Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 30, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for September, 9 AD or search for September, 9 AD in all documents.

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the United States District Court. The vessel arrived in port on Friday, in charge of a prize crew, under Acting Master George W. Donnell, United States Navy. The schooner is of 113 tone burthen, and is valued at $2,500. Her cargo is value at $6,000, and consists of shoes, salt fish, and $2,000 worth of dry goods. The schooner was built in Beverly, Massachusetts, in 1842, for the firm of Foster & Co of Halifax who, it is supposed, still own her. The vessel sailed from Halifax on the 9th of September, and has since been waiting a favorable opportunity to run the blockade, and failed. The captain and crew are at liberty. The vessel was taken to Stewart's wharf, foot of Bond street--Commissioner Ridgely applied to the court on Saturday for authority to move the cargo, the vessel being in a leaky condition. The court stated that the power was with the commissioner to have the cargo secured from damage by storing in if necessary. Mr. Ridgely then stated he would have the cargo remov