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fficials, from the Captain General down. The Theodora took a large quantity of arms on her return; also, provisions, coffee, &c. Her captain was presented with a silk flag by the Southern ladies at Havana. She took twenty passengers, including Mr. Meade, the late U. S. Minister to Brazil. Mr. Shufeldt, the American Consul General, telegraphed to the commander of the U. S. steam frigate San Jacinto, at Trinidad, on the 24th, to proceed at once to Havana. The British Consul called on the rebel Commissioners in full uniform, and presented them to the Captain General. Capt. Coxetter, late of the pirate Jeff. Davis, came to Havana in the Theodora, and remained there. Things look quite warlike in Havana, there being a large fleet fitting out for the expedition against Mexico. By the steamer Columbia, we have news of the arrival in Cuban ports, of several vessels from the blockaded ports, namely, Charleston, New Orleans, Mobile, and Wilmington, North Carolina.