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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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State Convention. This body met at the Capitol yesterday morning, and was called to order by Mr. Jas B. Mallory, of Brunswick, on whose motion Mr. James. H. Cox, of Chesterfield, was appointed temporary Chairman. The President, Mr. Janney, it will be remembered, resigned during the recess. It was ascertained by a call of the roll that only forty-six members were in attendance — not enough to constitute a quorum — when, by general consent, the body adjourned over until this morning. There is some little curiosity to learn what subject will especially occupy the time of the Convention, in the event that a sufficient number of members to proceed with the organization present themselves. A revision of the Constitution is suggested as probable, and if this proves correct we may safely calculate upon a protracted session. The memorial of the Corporation of Richmond, in regard to legalizing the issue of its small notes, will be presented at an early da
State Convention. This body met at the Capitol yesterday morning, and was called to order by Mr. Jas B. Mallory, of Brunswick, on whose motion Mr. James. H. Cox, of Chesterfield, was appointed temporary Chairman. The President, Mr. Janney, it will be remembered, resigned during the recess. It was ascertained by a call of the roll that only forty-six members were in attendance — not enough to constitute a quorum — when, by general consent, the body adjourned over until this morning. There is some little curiosity to learn what subject will especially occupy the time of the Convention, in the event that a sufficient number of members to proceed with the organization present themselves. A revision of the Constitution is suggested as probable, and if this proves correct we may safely calculate upon a protracted session. The memorial of the Corporation of Richmond, in regard to legalizing the issue of its small notes, will be presented at an early da
Jas B. Mallory (search for this): article 6
State Convention. This body met at the Capitol yesterday morning, and was called to order by Mr. Jas B. Mallory, of Brunswick, on whose motion Mr. James. H. Cox, of Chesterfield, was appointed temporary Chairman. The President, Mr. Janney, it will be remembered, resigned during the recess. It was ascertained by a call of the roll that only forty-six members were in attendance — not enough to constitute a quorum — when, by general consent, the body adjourned over until this morning. There is some little curiosity to learn what subject will especially occupy the time of the Convention, in the event that a sufficient number of members to proceed with the organization present themselves. A revision of the Constitution is suggested as probable, and if this proves correct we may safely calculate upon a protracted session. The memorial of the Corporation of Richmond, in regard to legalizing the issue of its small notes, will be presented at an early da
Brunswick, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 6
State Convention. This body met at the Capitol yesterday morning, and was called to order by Mr. Jas B. Mallory, of Brunswick, on whose motion Mr. James. H. Cox, of Chesterfield, was appointed temporary Chairman. The President, Mr. Janney, it will be remembered, resigned during the recess. It was ascertained by a call of the roll that only forty-six members were in attendance — not enough to constitute a quorum — when, by general consent, the body adjourned over until this morning. There is some little curiosity to learn what subject will especially occupy the time of the Convention, in the event that a sufficient number of members to proceed with the organization present themselves. A revision of the Constitution is suggested as probable, and if this proves correct we may safely calculate upon a protracted session. The memorial of the Corporation of Richmond, in regard to legalizing the issue of its small notes, will be presented at an early da
Chesterfield (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
State Convention. This body met at the Capitol yesterday morning, and was called to order by Mr. Jas B. Mallory, of Brunswick, on whose motion Mr. James. H. Cox, of Chesterfield, was appointed temporary Chairman. The President, Mr. Janney, it will be remembered, resigned during the recess. It was ascertained by a call of the roll that only forty-six members were in attendance — not enough to constitute a quorum — when, by general consent, the body adjourned over until this morning. There is some little curiosity to learn what subject will especially occupy the time of the Convention, in the event that a sufficient number of members to proceed with the organization present themselves. A revision of the Constitution is suggested as probable, and if this proves correct we may safely calculate upon a protracted session. The memorial of the Corporation of Richmond, in regard to legalizing the issue of its small notes, will be presented at an early da
press the infamous attempt now made by the enemy to commit judicial murder on prisoners of war, you will execute them strictly, as the mode best calculated to prevent the commission of so heinous a crime. Your obedient servant, J. P. Benjamin, Acting Secretary of War. To Brig. Gen. John Winder, Richmond, Va. Headquarters Dep't of Henrico, Richmond, Va., Nov. 1, 1861. Hon J. P. Benjamin, Sec'y of War: Sir: --In obedience to instructions contained in your letter of the 9th inst., one prisoner of war of the highest rank in our possession was chosen by lot, to be held for execution in the same manner as may be adopted by the enemy for the execution of Smith, recently condemned to death in Philadelphia. The names of the six Colonels were placed in a can. The first name drawn was that of Col. Corcoran, 69th Regiment. N. Y. S. M., who is the hostage chosen to answer for Smith. In choosing the thirteen, from the highest rank, to be held to answer for a like numbe
John H. Winder (search for this): article 6
teen will therefore stand--Colonels Lee, Cogswell, Wilcox, Woodruff, and Wood; Lieutenant-Colonels Bowman and Neff; Majors Potter, Revere, and Vogdes; Captains Ricketts, McQuade, and Rockwood. Respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed,) John H. Winder,Brigadier General. Headq'rs Department of Henrico, Richmond, Va., Nov. 12, 1861. Hon,J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of war, Richmond, Va.,Sir: --In obedience to your instructions, all the wounded officers have been exempted as hostagas hostages to await the result of the trial of prisoners captured by the enemy at sea. I have therefore made selections by lot of Captains H. Bowman and T. Keffer to replace Captains Ricketts and McQuande, wounded. The list of thirteen will now stand--Colonels Lee, Cogswell, Wilcox Woodroff, and Wood; Lieutenant Colonels Bewman and Neff; Majors Potter, Revere and Vogdes; Captains Rockwood, Bowman and Keffer. Respectfully,Your obedient servant, (Signed) John H. Winder, Brig. General.
Captains. The first names drawn were Captains J. B. Ricketts, H. McQuade, and J. W. Rockwood. The list of thirteen will therefore stand--Colonels Lee, Cogswell, Wilcox, Woodruff, and Wood; Lieutenant-Colonels Bowman and Neff; Majors Potter, Revere, and Vogdes; Captains Ricketts, McQuade, and Rockwood. Respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed,) John H. Winder,Brigadier General. Headq'rs Department of Henrico, Richmond, Va., Nov. 12, 1861. Hon,J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of waras hostages to await the result of the trial of prisoners captured by the enemy at sea. I have therefore made selections by lot of Captains H. Bowman and T. Keffer to replace Captains Ricketts and McQuande, wounded. The list of thirteen will now stand--Colonels Lee, Cogswell, Wilcox Woodroff, and Wood; Lieutenant Colonels Bewman and Neff; Majors Potter, Revere and Vogdes; Captains Rockwood, Bowman and Keffer. Respectfully,Your obedient servant, (Signed) John H. Winder, Brig. General.
me drawn was that of Col. Corcoran, 69th Regiment. N. Y. S. M., who is the hostage chosen to answer for Smith. In choosing the thirteen, from the highest rank, to be held to answer for a like number of prisoners of war captured by the enemy at sea, there being only ten field officers, it was necessary to draw by lot three Captains. The first names drawn were Captains J. B. Ricketts, H. McQuade, and J. W. Rockwood. The list of thirteen will therefore stand--Colonels Lee, Cogswell, Wilcox, Woodruff, and Wood; Lieutenant-Colonels Bowman and Neff; Majors Potter, Revere, and Vogdes; Captains Ricketts, McQuade, and Rockwood. Respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed,) John H. Winder,Brigadier General. Headq'rs Department of Henrico, Richmond, Va., Nov. 12, 1861. Hon,J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of war, Richmond, Va.,Sir: --In obedience to your instructions, all the wounded officers have been exempted as hostages to await the result of the trial of prisoners captu
ten field officers, it was necessary to draw by lot three Captains. The first names drawn were Captains J. B. Ricketts, H. McQuade, and J. W. Rockwood. The list of thirteen will therefore stand--Colonels Lee, Cogswell, Wilcox, Woodruff, and Wood; Lieutenant-Colonels Bowman and Neff; Majors Potter, Revere, and Vogdes; Captains Ricketts, McQuade, and Rockwood. Respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed,) John H. Winder,Brigadier General. Headq'rs Department of Henrico, Richmondas hostages to await the result of the trial of prisoners captured by the enemy at sea. I have therefore made selections by lot of Captains H. Bowman and T. Keffer to replace Captains Ricketts and McQuande, wounded. The list of thirteen will now stand--Colonels Lee, Cogswell, Wilcox Woodroff, and Wood; Lieutenant Colonels Bewman and Neff; Majors Potter, Revere and Vogdes; Captains Rockwood, Bowman and Keffer. Respectfully,Your obedient servant, (Signed) John H. Winder, Brig. General.
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