Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 25, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Augustus Miller or search for Augustus Miller in all documents.

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o have borne a good character in the State of Mississippi. The jury therefore rendered a verdict of "not guilty," and the prisoner was discharged. Daniel Ratcliffe, counsel. Auguste Zahn, an unfortunate European, indicted for stabbing Augustus Miller, was tried and convicted, the jury ascertaining the term of his imprisonment in the penitentiary at five years. The wound inflicted upon Miller was not fatal, and it is quite probable that Zahn's senses were beclouded by drink when be commite penitentiary at five years. The wound inflicted upon Miller was not fatal, and it is quite probable that Zahn's senses were beclouded by drink when be committed the deed. R. D. Ward, counsel for the prisoner. Julia Kugan, who stole a lot of old clothes from Johanna Sexton, was indicted for felony; but the jury on Saturday determined that the value of the stolen property was less than $20, and she was convicted of misdemeanor only. Sentenced to six months imprisonment in the city jail.