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ry. Major-General McCall. Commanding Division, &c. From Fortress Monroe--more troops coming — the North Carolina Union Convention a bona fide (?) one, &c. From the special correspondence of the Washington Star, dated Fortress Monroe, November 24, we take the following items. Our readers need not be told that the Star's correspondent is one of the most servile of the whole corps of Old Abe's letter writers in order to convince them that his remark in respect to the condition of things nd managers there are now nightly in dread of a popular outbreak in favor of the Union cause. Expedition from Port Monroe up James River destruction of two Confederate camps. A dispatch to the Baltimore American, dated Fortress Monroe, Nov. 24, says: An intelligent deserter from the 10th Georgia regiment reached Newport News on the morning of Friday last, and was taken to headquarters at Fortress Monroe, where, upon being interrogated, he made known the location of a number of im
all five miles, which goes to Fortress Monroe. The Frigate San Jacinto. Boston, Nov. 27. --The San Jacinto has been moored alongside the day dock for overhauling. She is reported in a perfectly sound condition. How crew will be paid on Saturday. One hundred of them marched from the Navy-Yard to Faneull Hall, this afternoon, where they were addressed by Mayor Wightman and Rev. Phine as Stone. From the Pacific coast — more regulars coming from California. San Francisco, Nov. 24. --The steamship Uncle Sam sailed on the 21st for Panama, carrying twenty United States army officers and about one hundred other passengers. She will take aboard at San Pe ro 600 regular soldiers. The Uncle Sam took $1,200,000 in treasure, of which $270,000 is for New York. There has been an active demand for sugar to-day, with sales of 200 hogsheads Cuba Muscovado at 11 cents, and 500 barrels crushed at 14 cents. Candles dull. Sales of prime butter at 28 cents. Wheat active a
Later from Europe.arrival of the Etna. New York, Nov. 24. --The steamship Etna has arrived with Liverpool dates to November 13th. Three British vessels of war were ready to sail for Mexico, but were detained owing to the stormy weather. French ships will shall immediately. There was a report that England would invite the U. States to join in the expedition to Mexico. The Spanish journals refer to a probable Spanish protectorate as the result of the expedition. The King of Portugal died on the 12th November, of typhoid fever. The Duke of Oporto succeeds to the throne. The London Times seeks a calm in the general dismay consequent on the short supply of cotton. It says there is no ground for any national alarm. An important Cabinet Council was held in Paris on the 12th Nov. The Paris Constitutional urges that American ingratitude enables France to witness the disruption of the Union with the utmost indifference. The sales of cotton at Liverpool
From Missouri.the burning of Warsaw and Sedalia, &c. Sedalia, Mo., Nov. 23. --The business portion of Warsaw was burned on the night of the 21st November. The Quartermaster and Commissary depots, located in a large block, were burned, but the greater portion of the Government stores had been removed. The portion of the commissary stores for which there was no transportation was burned, by order of the commanding officer. The greater portion of the goods from stores were burned after being carried out, owing to the intense heat. It is thought by the commanding officer that the town was fired by citizens, as a man dressed in citizen's clothes was seen coming from the building in which the fire originated. Jefferson City, Nov. 24.--It is reported to-day that a fire occurred at Sedalia, last night, destroying the greater portion of the business part of the town.