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Wight, Fleming, Anderson of Albemarle, Hopkins, Troy, Shannon, West of Halifax, Priner, George, Garrison, Coleman of Nerson. Finance--Messrs. Barbour, Tomlin, Edmunds, Bouldin, Newton, Cother, Flood, Wyhne, Thomas, Davis of Campbell, Miner, Gordon, Reid, Noland, Gatewood. Military Affairs Messrs. Anderson, Jones, Huster, Robertson, Military, Pitman, Davis of Amherst, Richardson, Saunders of Campbell, Lundy, M.Gruder, McDonald of Hampshire, Friend, Bradford, Eggleston. PenitentiarSpady, Franklin, McKinney, Flood, McLaughlin, Wooten, Williams. Second Auditor's Office--Messrs. Shannon, Woodhouse, Bayse, Coleman of Nelson, Mallory, Blue, Ward, Clarke, Laidly, Vaden, Lively. Library--Messrs. Edmunds, Minor, Sheffey, Gordon, Mallory, Anderson of Botetourt, McKinney, Burke, Baker, Cazenove, Crochett, Gilmer, Dabney, Nelson of Louisa, Garrison. Armory--Messrs. Blue, Carter, Wright, Shannon, West, Lynn, Lockbridge, Cecil, Fletcher, Ewing, Huntt, McLaughlin, Thrash
arger, rapidly passing man after man, I soon found myself gazing upon the splendid bodies of the Yankees, their beautiful blue overcoats spreading on the evening air, as they had wheeled after firing one or two perfectly harmless rounds at us. Maj. Gordon fed on the column, and very soon was far ahead of any of his men. We all knew now that their entire force was flying rapidly before us, and every man of us strove the harder to overtake and capture his prisoner. We had chased them a bout a mimrose, of Company H; Sergeants Hogart and Farmer, of Company B, and one or two others whose names I can not now ascertain, who constituted the body that fired upon and charged the whole force of the enemy rallied on the hill mentioned. To Major Gordon belongs the honor of having killed the two and firing the shots that wounded others. He also charged upon a body of about forty of the enemy, fired into them, commanded the whole force to surrender, as he gallantly bore away his prisoner. He
Northern News. We append a few additional items of Northern news: General summary of Northern items. From the New York Herald, of December 1st, we take the following: The New York cotton market was again higher yesterday, and closed at an advance of per lb. The sales embraced about 1,700 bales, chiefly to spinners, at 27½c. per lb. for middling uplands. Capt. Nathaniel Gordon, of the slave ship Erie, convicted of piracy, was yesterday sentenced in the U. S. Circuit Court to be hanged on the 7th of February next. The prisoner has a young and interesting wife, and a lovely child. United States Marshal Murray has been ordered by the Secretary of State to proceed to Fort McHenry to investigate some matters connected with the existing treason. The exports of breadstuffs to Europe during the past week were 1,000,000 bushels grain and $1,155 barrels of flour — a slight falling off from the shipments of the past six weeks. Four tenement buildings wer