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Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 14
Affairs at the South. We make up the following summary of Southern news from late exchanges received at this office: Late and interesting from Missouri--arrival of Camp Jackson prisoners — movements of Gen. Price, &c. From the Memphis Avalanche, of the 10th inst., we extract the following interesting particulars in regard to affairs in Missouri: The Camp Jackson prisoners, some sixty-five in number, accompanied by Gen. Frost, reached the city on the steamer Kentucky, from Columbus yesterday morning. They left St. Louis on the 2d Dec., and according to agreement, they were to be sent directly to Gen. Price's army; but on getting them at all supplies to St. Louis, compelling them to surrender at discretion. We conversed last evening with a gentleman perfectly familiar with army movements in Missouri, and from him gleaned many facts in the highest degree creditable to Gen. Price as a General and a high-toned gentleman. We are perfectly satisfied that Gen. Pr
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 14
directly to Gen. Price's army; but on getting them at the Pacific Depot, they were informed that they had to go by way of Cairo, and after requiring each of them to take an oath as long as the moral law, they were marched aboard the Iatan and taken to Cairo, and thence, under flag of truce, to Columbus. They say before the prisoners left St. Louis, the ladies of the city, all of whom are warm sympathizers with the South, sent an abundance of provisions, besides little articles of clothing, sutheir instincts, took their little articles of clothing as contraband, and all their provisions they took off the boat at Cairo. The scene on leaving St. Louis was grand. Not less than five thousand people — men, women, and children — followeaction: The steamer Iatan, on board of which the prisoners were marched, at the foot of Poplar street, departed for Cairo at about 2 o'clock, the friends of the heroes cheering lustily as the boat dropped out into the river. There should have
d interesting from Missouri--arrival of Camp Jackson prisoners — movements of Gen. Price, &c. From the Memphis Avalanche, of the 10th inst., we extract the follow on the 2d Dec., and according to agreement, they were to be sent directly to Gen. Price's army; but on getting them at the Pacific Depot, they were informed that thele accessions since their arrival here. We learn that a gentleman from General Price's army in the city yesterday, gives it as his opinion that General Price wiGeneral Price will go to Leavenworth and capture enough arms to put a gun in the hands of all his army, take the St. Joseph Railroad, and thus cut off all supplies to St. Louis, comMissouri, and from him gleaned many facts in the highest degree creditable to Gen. Price as a General and a high-toned gentleman. We are perfectly satisfied that GenGen. Price has done all that a good General and brave man could have done under the circumstances, and trust that his future may be like the past only more abundant in r
Abraham Lincoln (search for this): article 14
y about his procuring men — the only obstacle has been arms. These he is now getting in abundance, and with them his career will be prolific of happy results. A Lincolnite in Lynchburg. A man who gave his name as Summer Grazier, and who says he is a Tennessean, was arrested yesterday by some soldiers, while uttering treasonable expressions.--Among other things, he was heard to say that the city of Lynchburg ought to be burned down, and that every man who had taken up arms against Lincoln should be hung. These, with other like expressions, caused his arrest. Upon examining papers found on his person, reason was found for the suspicion that he had been a soldier in the Lincoln army, and had very recently visited the city of Washington. In fact, it is stated that the prisoner himself boldly proclaimed the fact that he had fought for old Abe, and expected to do so again. He was committed to jail to await further developments in his case. Should the charge against him prove
Affairs at the South. We make up the following summary of Southern news from late exchanges received at this office: Late and interesting from Missouri--arrival of Camp Jackson prisoners — movements of Gen. Price, &c. From the Memphis Avalanche, of the 10th inst., we extract the following interesting particulars in regard to affairs in Missouri: The Camp Jackson prisoners, some sixty-five in number, accompanied by Gen. Frost, reached the city on the steamer Kentucky, from Columbus yesterday morning. They left St. Louis on the 2d Dec., and according to agreement, they were to be sent directly to Gen. Price's army; but on getting them at the Pacific Depot, they were informed that they had to go by way of Cairo, and after requiring each of them to take an oath as long as the moral law, they were marched aboard the Iatan and taken to Cairo, and thence, under flag of truce, to Columbus. They say before the prisoners left St. Louis, the ladies of the city, all of whom a
February, 12 AD (search for this): article 14
ary of Southern news from late exchanges received at this office: Late and interesting from Missouri--arrival of Camp Jackson prisoners — movements of Gen. Price, &c. From the Memphis Avalanche, of the 10th inst., we extract the following interesting particulars in regard to affairs in Missouri: The Camp Jackson prisoners, some sixty-five in number, accompanied by Gen. Frost, reached the city on the steamer Kentucky, from Columbus yesterday morning. They left St. Louis on the 2d Dec., and according to agreement, they were to be sent directly to Gen. Price's army; but on getting them at the Pacific Depot, they were informed that they had to go by way of Cairo, and after requiring each of them to take an oath as long as the moral law, they were marched aboard the Iatan and taken to Cairo, and thence, under flag of truce, to Columbus. They say before the prisoners left St. Louis, the ladies of the city, all of whom are warm sympathizers with the South, sent an abundance of
Affairs at the South. We make up the following summary of Southern news from late exchanges received at this office: Late and interesting from Missouri--arrival of Camp Jackson prisoners — movements of Gen. Price, &c. From the Memphis Avalanche, of the 10th inst., we extract the following interesting particulars in regard to affairs in Missouri: The Camp Jackson prisoners, some sixty-five in number, accompanied by Gen. Frost, reached the city on the steamer Kentucky, from Columbus yesterday morning. They left St. Louis on the 2d Dec., and according to agreement, they were to be sent directly to Gen. Price's army; but on getting them at the Pacific Depot, they were informed that they had to go by way of Cairo, and after requiring each of them to take an oath as long as the moral law, they were marched aboard the Iatan and taken to Cairo, and thence, under flag of truce, to Columbus. They say before the prisoners left St. Louis, the ladies of the city, all of whom a
ncoln army, and had very recently visited the city of Washington. In fact, it is stated that the prisoner himself boldly proclaimed the fact that he had fought for old Abe, and expected to do so again. He was committed to jail to await further developments in his case. Should the charge against him prove true, he will no doubt test the strength of Southern hemp. Appearance of Lincolnites near Belmont and their Subsequent retreat. From the Confederate News, of Columbus, Ky., of the 9th instant, we take the following: We learn that 300 Hessians made their appearance on the opposite side of the river Friday night, on the battle ground of Belmont. Their stay was short, as our boys got after the cavalry scoundrels and made them leave at the rate of 2.40. We are glad to learn that four of the enemy bit the dust, and the balance, we doubt not, are now in the land of Egyptian darkness, surrounded by their "hoosiers" and "suckers," telling them of their miraculous escape fr