Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Christmas or search for Christmas in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Destruction of property in Washington county, Md. (search)
Recess of the General Assembly. --In accordance with a resolution passed by both Houses, the General Assembly will to-day adjourn over until the first Monday in January, and most of the members will go home to spend the Christmas holidays. It has been ascertained that this can be done without detriment to the public interest, and therefore nobody objects to the adherence to a "time honored custom" except the vendors of peanuts, horse-cakes, and hard-boiled eggs, who occupy the space near the statue of Washington in the rotunda. So far as we have had an opportunity of observing, the Senators and Representatives of Virginia are men of sober and sedate disposition — not liable to be led into temptation by the surroundings of the gay metropolis — and the sovereignty of the State may safely trust them here or elsewhere, during the holidays. We wish them, individually, a merry Christmas and a safe return to the nails of legislatio
From Norfolk. aid to the Charleston sufferers--"Heavy Firing" below — Preparations for Christmas, &c. [special correspondence of the Dispatch.] Norfolk, Dec. 19, 1861. I am gratified to state that our citizens are subscribing liberally for the relief of those who have suffered so greatly by the great fire in Charleston. Prof Kneringer, assisted by Prof. Panli, and the talented amateurs of the Ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteers, will give a concert to-night in the opeorfolk, and about the great preparations that are going on in New York and Boston for that purpose, we shall shortly have more noise than usual between this location and Old Point. Many of our people have already commenced preparations for Christmas, intending to have a good time in spite of war times and high prices. Just eight months ago the incendiaries of the North made a diabolical attempt to destroy the Navy Yard — to burn and sink all the ships, smash the splendid machinery bur