Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sacramento (Kentucky, United States) or search for Sacramento (Kentucky, United States) in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Later from California--Unprecedented Freshets--Gen. Shields Accepts the appointment of Brigadier General. (search)
past four days the heaviest rains experienced for years prevailed here, causing a severe freshet in the valleys. The river broke through the levee and flooded Sacramento from one to four feet deep. This morning the people were driven to the second story of their houses, and all business is suspended. The freshet from the rf the State, doing immense damage to the property of farmers, drowning their stock, carrying off bridges, fences, &c. Part of Maysville and Stockton, as well as Sacramento were inundated. The entire number of lives lost is not known. Several brick buildings had fallen at Maysville. The loss of property at Sacramento is estiSacramento is estimated at half a million. Entire communication with many districts was cut off, and business suspended. The weather for the past two days has been pleasant and apparently settled. The waters are consequently receding gradually. The funeral of Gen. Baker is engrossing general attention at San Francisco to-day. --The volu