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Fort Niagara (New York, United States) (search for this): article 1
amounts required for fortifications now existing or in course of construction, and also for temporary and field fortifications and engineer operations in the field, for bridges, trains, and equipage, and for tool and siege trains, for the second haft of the current fiscal year, and all of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863. They are additional estimates to those heretofore transmitted to Congress: For fortifications on the Northern frontier, including fortifications at Oswego, Niagara, Buffalo, and Detroit$750,000 Fort Montgomery, at outlet of Lake Champlain, New York150,000 Fort Knox, at Narrows of Penobscot river, Maine159,000 Fort on Hog Island Ledge, Portland harbor, Maine150,000 Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Mass75,000 Fort Winthrop and exterior batteries, Boston harbor100,000 Fort at New Bedford Harbor, Mass150,000 Fort Adams, Newport harbor, R. I.50,000 Fort Schuyler, East river, New York25,000 Fort at Willet's Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York250,000
Portland Harbor (Maine, United States) (search for this): article 1
nd equipage, and for tool and siege trains, for the second haft of the current fiscal year, and all of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863. They are additional estimates to those heretofore transmitted to Congress: For fortifications on the Northern frontier, including fortifications at Oswego, Niagara, Buffalo, and Detroit$750,000 Fort Montgomery, at outlet of Lake Champlain, New York150,000 Fort Knox, at Narrows of Penobscot river, Maine159,000 Fort on Hog Island Ledge, Portland harbor, Maine150,000 Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Mass75,000 Fort Winthrop and exterior batteries, Boston harbor100,000 Fort at New Bedford Harbor, Mass150,000 Fort Adams, Newport harbor, R. I.50,000 Fort Schuyler, East river, New York25,000 Fort at Willet's Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York250,000 Commencement of casemate at battery on Staten Island, New York100,000 New battery at Fort Hamilton, at the Narrows, New York100,000 Fort at Sandy Hook, entrance to New York harbor, New
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): article 1
veral days trial, apparently as far from an election as they were on the first ballot. The Austin Gazette, of the 7th inst., says "the writer of the following is well known to us as a reliable and truthful gentleman:" Chihuahua, Nov. 6, 1861.-- Messrs. Editors: --The Governor of this State has received official orders from the Governor of Sonora that 7,000 Federal troops had landed at Guymas, from California, and were marching with a view to operate against Texas, and that they would in their march cross the upper part of this State. The Governor here has furthermore received official orders from the General Government at the city of Mexico, to offer no obstacle to Federal troops passing through this State to attack the South. I take this to be a partial act in favor of the North, and I think that the Government should look upon it as a hostile act on the part of the Mexican Republic, and should act accordingly. I remain your, most respectfully. A. C.
South river (United States) (search for this): article 1
tteries, Boston harbor100,000 Fort at New Bedford Harbor, Mass150,000 Fort Adams, Newport harbor, R. I.50,000 Fort Schuyler, East river, New York25,000 Fort at Willet's Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York250,000 Commencement of casemate at battery on Staten Island, New York100,000 New battery at Fort Hamilton, at the Narrows, New York100,000 Fort at Sandy Hook, entrance to New York harbor, New Jersey300,000 Fort Millin, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania25,000 Fort Delaware, on Delaware river60,000 New fort, opposite Fort Delaware, on Delaware shore200,000 Fort Carrol, Baltimore harbor, Md200,000 Fort Calhoun, Hampton Roads, Va.200,000 Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads, Va.50,000 Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida300,000 Fort Jefferson, Garden Key, Tortugas Florida300,000 Additional Fort, at Tortugas, Fla200,000 Fort at Ship Island, Coast of Mississippi100,000 Fort at Fort Point, entrance San Francisco harbor200,000 Fort at Sicatraz Island, San Francisco harbor150,000 Conting
Oswego (New York, United States) (search for this): article 1
rtment of amounts required for fortifications now existing or in course of construction, and also for temporary and field fortifications and engineer operations in the field, for bridges, trains, and equipage, and for tool and siege trains, for the second haft of the current fiscal year, and all of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863. They are additional estimates to those heretofore transmitted to Congress: For fortifications on the Northern frontier, including fortifications at Oswego, Niagara, Buffalo, and Detroit$750,000 Fort Montgomery, at outlet of Lake Champlain, New York150,000 Fort Knox, at Narrows of Penobscot river, Maine159,000 Fort on Hog Island Ledge, Portland harbor, Maine150,000 Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Mass75,000 Fort Winthrop and exterior batteries, Boston harbor100,000 Fort at New Bedford Harbor, Mass150,000 Fort Adams, Newport harbor, R. I.50,000 Fort Schuyler, East river, New York25,000 Fort at Willet's Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New Yor
Austin (Texas, United States) (search for this): article 1
lle, but information on this point is uncertain. Until further information is received, it is impossible to say what the enemy intend. A dead lock. The Legislature of Florida is at a dead lock on the Senatorial question. We learn from the Tallahassee News of the 5th, that that body meets in joint convention every afternoon, and ballots from three to five times, but are now after several days trial, apparently as far from an election as they were on the first ballot. The Austin Gazette, of the 7th inst., says "the writer of the following is well known to us as a reliable and truthful gentleman:" Chihuahua, Nov. 6, 1861.-- Messrs. Editors: --The Governor of this State has received official orders from the Governor of Sonora that 7,000 Federal troops had landed at Guymas, from California, and were marching with a view to operate against Texas, and that they would in their march cross the upper part of this State. The Governor here has furthermore re
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 1
We learn that large reinforcements will be ordered up immediately. A secret organization in Tennessee. We copy the following from the Memphis Avalanche, of the 17th instant: Lieutenant Flynne, just from Knoxville, communicates to us some interesting intelligence. It has been ascertained that a secret, sworn organization of Union traitors, exists in East Tennessee, which is extended throughout that section. It is, doubtless, similar to that which has been discovered in Northern Arkansas. Some of the bridge burners who have been hung, signified before their execution, they had been detailed by this secret organization to burn the bridges under penalty of death. They said that they were doomed to die by the hands of their associates if they refused to perform the task to which they were assigned by lot; and, therefore, having made up their minds to suffer the death penalty, were indifferent to their fate. The Lincoln gun-boats at North Edisto. From the Charl
France (France) (search for this): article 1
demonstration was made by the American ship captains upon the General's arrival in Havre. Two triumphal arches were erected, under which the General passed, and as much enthusiasm was exhibited and as much noise made as was consistent with the quiet ideas of the French police. To-day the General is resting quietly at his hotel, and to-morrow or next day will receive his American friends. After remaining here a few weeks for medical advice and treatment, he will proceed to the South of France, probably to Pan or Cannes, where he will spend the winter. He enjoyed the trip across very much, never missed a meal, and says he feels better now then he has for a year past. The French Post-Office authorities have given notice that, as many letters intended for the Southern States are dropped in here addressed to the care of the French Legation at Washington, or of the French Consul General at New York, such letters will not be sent during the suspension of mail communication with t
Newport (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): article 1
es to those heretofore transmitted to Congress: For fortifications on the Northern frontier, including fortifications at Oswego, Niagara, Buffalo, and Detroit$750,000 Fort Montgomery, at outlet of Lake Champlain, New York150,000 Fort Knox, at Narrows of Penobscot river, Maine159,000 Fort on Hog Island Ledge, Portland harbor, Maine150,000 Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Mass75,000 Fort Winthrop and exterior batteries, Boston harbor100,000 Fort at New Bedford Harbor, Mass150,000 Fort Adams, Newport harbor, R. I.50,000 Fort Schuyler, East river, New York25,000 Fort at Willet's Point, opposite Fort Schuyler, New York250,000 Commencement of casemate at battery on Staten Island, New York100,000 New battery at Fort Hamilton, at the Narrows, New York100,000 Fort at Sandy Hook, entrance to New York harbor, New Jersey300,000 Fort Millin, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania25,000 Fort Delaware, on Delaware river60,000 New fort, opposite Fort Delaware, on Delaware shore200,000 Fo
Dublin (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
wer to be either polite or peaceful, and that would compel them to resort to measures which would contribute materially to abridge the hostilities between "North and South." They have done what they could to avoid war, but if war be forced upon them the responsibility will not be theirs. The war fever in England — Hesitation about the Cabinet Council in England.[from the Dublin Freeman, Nov. 29.] The American question continues to agitate commercial circles. The Chamber of Commerce (Dublin) yesterday was crowded during the greater part of the day by our first merchants, who eagerly watched the arrival of each successive dispatch in anxious expectancy of some further intelligence, or some more decisive opinion with reference to the legality or illegality of the conduct of the commander and officers of the San Jacinto. Our latest dispatches, however, indicate that the first outburst of indignation having had vent, the inconvenience of rash proceedings are being calculated,
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