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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: January 2, 1862., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 3 total hits in 2 results.
Myer Myers (search for this): article 9
28th (search for this): article 9
Meeting of British residents of Norfolk.--resolutions of Condolence.
--At a meeting of British residents in Norfolk, and others connected by affinity and family relations with the subjects of Her Majesty's dominions, held on the 28th ult., over which Col. Myer Myers presided, the following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted:
That in the death of Prince Albert we recognize a sad affliction upon his widowed Queen — upon the Royal household, and a loss to all who came within the sphere of his enlarged and useful benevolence.
That we deeply feel, and warmly sympathize with Her Majesty in this painful bereavement, and we will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
That bowing in humble dependence to the Divine Will, we would yet hope that her life may be prolonged — her reign be marked by continued prosperity, and all that a mother's heart can desire in the future of her loyal household.
That Myer Myers, Esq., B