ohn Reynolds, 5.00; Wm. Lithgo, 5.00; James Shenan, 5.00.
Camp Wise, December, 1861. To James Burns, Tiger Rifles, New Orleans: Sir
--We, the undersigned, members of the Ben McCulloch Rangers, do hereby sympathize with you in your misfortune, and, as a token of our respect, subscribe to your benefit, as follows:
George Metyler, $1.00; Andy McCrumb, 1.00; J. F. Fitzsimonds, 1.00; A. F. Allison, 1.00; G. W. Brown, 1.00; J. Brinker, 1.00; G. R. Blake, 1.00; Wm. Canagay, 3.00; Cummins, 1.00; Calleen, 1.00; Christison, 3.00; Desmond, 1.00; Dotson, 1.35; Gallager, 4.00; Harmman, 1.70; Hutchinson, 70; Johnson, 3.00; Herndon, 1.00; Hislop, 3.00; Holley, 5.00; Higgs, 2.20; Irick, 1.35; Jenkins, 3.00; John Lewis, 8.00; McMullin, 1.00; Brobeck, 1.00; Morrison, 5.00; James McNoon, 10.00; Henry Maguire, 10.00; Ed. Thompson, 5.00; Frank Rea, 3.00; Chas. Reed, 5.00; Wm. Craford, 10.00; Swaney, 3.00; Stanley, 1.00; A. Sharp, 10.00; Roberts, 1.65; Scott; 3.00; Henry Smith, 3.00; Chas