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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 6, 1862., [Electronic resource].

Found 821 total hits in 391 results.

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Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 1
Confederate victory in ArkansasOpothieyholo's army Completely routedheavy loss of the enemy! Memphis Jan. 3. --A dispatch has been received from Little Rock, Ark., containing official information that Col. James McIntosh, in command of four regiments, had a fight with the forces under Opothleyholo, the Indian chief, about seventy-five miles northwest of Fort Gibson, on the 26th of December. The fight lasted four hours, and resulted in the total rout of the enemy, who lost 200 in killed, wounded, and missing--100 were taken prisoners. The Confederate loss was 12 killed and 20 wounded. Col. McIntosh was still pursuing Opothleyholo, and the latter was fleeing to Kansas. The Confederates captured a large number of wagons, 100 horses, &c. [The news in the above dispatch is substantially confirmed by dispatches to the Government here.]
December 18th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 1
What individuality. What embodiment of self-- That little personal pronoun has Above the unds of p Its the stamp of man's Divinity, The seal of higher life Which the great Life-Giver gave, when He Ordained this earthly mile. the pledge that ye shall know me by, When, free from flesh and sense; My soul shall plume her p for A sphere above pretence; When naked, as on earth I came; That soul shall be re b , And every secret spring revealed That gave forth love or Ye'll know me then, my friends, my foes, Ye'll know me as I am-- How much of g to b in me. How much of Wrong to d mn!-- Ye'll know what immolation Of sordid sell I've nailed Upon the cross — what promptings Of earth life I've impaled. And whether in a shining garb Of white, I shall be robed-- Or serge and sack cloth bind the wounds The man has deeply probed-- What matter!--If for weal or woe, As lion or as lamb, Earth sheltered me — in Heaven you'll know, Aye, know me as I am! Orleans, Dec. 18, 1861.
Milien Mayfield (search for this): article 1
[from the (N. C) Sunday true Delta.]"L"by Milien Mayfield. What individuality. What embodiment of self-- That little personal pronoun has Above the unds of p Its the stamp of man's Divinity, The seal of higher life Which the great Life-Giver gave, when He Ordained this earthly mile. the pledge that ye shall know me by, When, free from flesh and sense; My soul shall plume her p for A sphere above pretence; When naked, as on earth I came; That soul shall be re b , And every secret spring revealed That gave forth love or Ye'll know me then, my friends, my foes, Ye'll know me as I am-- How much of g to b in me. How much of Wrong to d mn!-- Ye'll know what immolation Of sordid sell I've nailed Upon the cross — what promptings Of earth life I've impaled. And whether in a shining garb Of white, I shall be robed-- Or serge and sack cloth bind the wounds The man has deeply probed-- What matter!--If for weal or woe, As lion or as lamb, Earth sheltered me — in Heaven you'
Orleans, Ma. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 1
hat individuality. What embodiment of self-- That little personal pronoun has Above the unds of p Its the stamp of man's Divinity, The seal of higher life Which the great Life-Giver gave, when He Ordained this earthly mile. the pledge that ye shall know me by, When, free from flesh and sense; My soul shall plume her p for A sphere above pretence; When naked, as on earth I came; That soul shall be re b , And every secret spring revealed That gave forth love or Ye'll know me then, my friends, my foes, Ye'll know me as I am-- How much of g to b in me. How much of Wrong to d mn!-- Ye'll know what immolation Of sordid sell I've nailed Upon the cross — what promptings Of earth life I've impaled. And whether in a shining garb Of white, I shall be robed-- Or serge and sack cloth bind the wounds The man has deeply probed-- What matter!--If for weal or woe, As lion or as lamb, Earth sheltered me — in Heaven you'll know, Aye, know me as I am! Orleans, Dec. 18, 186
Alfred Moses (search for this): article 1
Negroes for hire. I have ten Factory Hands for hire — Stemmers and Twisters. I will hire them for Factory Hands or for any other purpose. The hire will be moderate if comfortable homes can be secured for them. Alfred Moses, ja 3--3; 63 Main street
Fifty dollars Reward --W paid for the apprehension and ret me of my servant Charles, who about himself about the middle of July last. Charles is about 19 years of age, five eight inches high, of light brown complete bushy hair and very black. I have reason to believe he has himself as servant to some officer of the now in the field, who, in employing supposed him to be free. Commandant regiments will greatly oblige by making query in their regiments. Robert A Mat ja 4--3t* Richmond, Virginia
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Fifty dollars Reward --W paid for the apprehension and ret me of my servant Charles, who about himself about the middle of July last. Charles is about 19 years of age, five eight inches high, of light brown complete bushy hair and very black. I have reason to believe he has himself as servant to some officer of the now in the field, who, in employing supposed him to be free. Commandant regiments will greatly oblige by making query in their regiments. Robert A Mat ja 4--3t* Richmond, Virginia
William S. Phillips (search for this): article 1
Negro Hiring for 18 Wm. S. Phillips, General Agent lector, will continue to Hire out Negroes is Houses, Settle and Collect Claims of scription appertaining to an Agency this opportunity of returning his sin er his numerous patrons for their liberal p and hopes, by strict attention to business a continuation of the same. de 23--
The black list of South Carolina, --Resolutions have been introduced in the South Carolina Legislature, recording as infamous for the execration of posterity, the names of Wm. Bradford Shubrick, Cornelius Stributing, Captains in the United States Navy Percival Dracton, Henry K. off, John J, Missroon, Chas. St. edman, Edward Middleron, Henry Lorando, Commanders in the U. S. Navy; Henry C. Flagg, John F. Hammnond C. S. Lovell, U. S. Army. Thos men still claim to be citizens of South Carolina.
The black list of South Carolina, --Resolutions have been introduced in the South Carolina Legislature, recording as infamous for the execration of posterity, the names of Wm. Bradford Shubrick, Cornelius Stributing, Captains in the United States Navy Percival Dracton, Henry K. off, John J, Missroon, Chas. St. edman, Edward Middleron, Henry Lorando, Commanders in the U. S. Navy; Henry C. Flagg, John F. Hammnond C. S. Lovell, U. S. Army. Thos men still claim to be citizens of South Carolina.
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