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port that the Yankees are encamped, 3,000-8,000 strong, at Camp Bartow, and force on the farm of Uriah Hevenor, and Green Bank. The people here think they (the Yankees) will pass around our and come to this place, a distance of sixty miles from Camp Alleghany, to take possession of our Commissary Department at our place, where a large amount of previous are stored. Last night a messenger was dispatched Gen. Edward Johnson to Col. Goode's Regiment, camped near this place; also Col. Wm. C. Scott's regiment, encamped Crab Bottom, to report at Camp Alleghany without delay. The presumption is, the orders were sent on the and that Gen. Johnson anticipated to attack at Alleghany to day. Up to the time, however, no attack has been made but it may come off to-morrow. I am happy to state that Colonel Edward Johnson has been promoted to Brigade General, and Capt. Jas. Deshier promoted to Colonel of the 12th Georgia, in place of Gen. Johnson, promoted. I met Col. Deshier t
nada. Warlike preparations are active in England. When the Asia moved out from her wharf for New York, the bands were playing "Dixie." thus showing a strong Southern feeling. France. The Paris correspondent of the New York Herald, dated the 18th ult., says that the Southern Commissioners are working actively against the North, and with increasing success. Only one journal in Paris (the Opinions Nationals) is friendly to the North. The Tuilleries Cabinet denies that Gen. Scott had any official mission to cause him to return to America. France will acknowledge the Southern Confederacy if England does. Napoleon is quite unfriendly to the North, but will not act in a hostile manner towards them. From Lincolndom. The Committee appointed to examine the Stevens iron battery have decided adversely, and the work thereon has been suspended. Gen. Kelly has been relieved from the command at Romney. Sales of 300 bales of Cotton were made in New York
that some excitement prevailed there during the last four or five days, in consequence of a report that the Yankees, about 10,000 strong, from the direction of Camp Bartow, were expected to make an attack on Camp Alleghany. Colonels Gordon's and Scott's regiments were promptly ordered to Alleghany; but upon reconnaissance being made, the enemy were found to have gone in the direction of Huntersville, where there was a large quantity of our provisions, ammunition, &c. Gordon and Scott's regimenScott's regiments were then ordered back to Crab Bottom and Monterey, where they arrived on Saturday night. This excitement had hardly subsided, when a courier from Monterey reported that the enemy with 8,000 troops had gone to Huntersville and taken possession of our stores, and it was believed that they intended to come in our rear and take possession of Monterey, where a large quantity of provisions were stored, and by such means cut off our supplies. Gen. Johnson has sent out scouts, who will re