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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 31, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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d to declare him and his myrmidons enemies in war, in peace friends. "Spirits of the Revolution ! Arouse the sleeping energies of your sens, and lead them to resistance, to victory, and to independence." Such was theappeal of James Lyons to his countrymen in 1856. The contingency for Southern action did not then occur, and perhaps it is well for us that it did not as Mr. Lyons was obviously in advance of our people respecting the "mode and measure of redress" In the canvass of 1860, Mr. Lyons, in his many speeches, declared that he had seen nothing to change his views of 1885, but much to confirm them; that upon every consideration of honor, duty, and safety, the South was bound to resist the inanguration of a Black Republican President. He was still in advance of the public sentiment in his section; but his follow citizens will now admit that he exhibited the sagacity of a stateman and the nerve of a fearless and true hearted son of the Old Dominton. His friends
tion ! Arouse the sleeping energies of your sens, and lead them to resistance, to victory, and to independence." Such was theappeal of James Lyons to his countrymen in 1856. The contingency for Southern action did not then occur, and perhaps it is well for us that it did not as Mr. Lyons was obviously in advance of our people respecting the "mode and measure of redress" In the canvass of 1860, Mr. Lyons, in his many speeches, declared that he had seen nothing to change his views of 1885, but much to confirm them; that upon every consideration of honor, duty, and safety, the South was bound to resist the inanguration of a Black Republican President. He was still in advance of the public sentiment in his section; but his follow citizens will now admit that he exhibited the sagacity of a stateman and the nerve of a fearless and true hearted son of the Old Dominton. His friends may well point to him as one of the most faithful and vigilant sentinels on the watch-tower of t
James Lyons (search for this): article 1
form Convention" of Virginia, respectively, "Mr. Lyons graces every station to which he is called. tinct recollection of the impression made by Mr. Lyons upon the Southern Commercial Convention, helf some of the ablest statesmen of the South, Mr. Lyons gained a reputation of which any one might be respect in any company, high or low. "Mr. Lyons has discharged the duties of President of th rules of debate. Upon the whole, we regard Mr. Lyons as a fine specimen of a Virginia gentleman, outh." Such was the impression made by James Lyons as the President of an intelligent Southernthe part of the South. As far back as 1856, Mr. Lyons came out unqualifiedly in favor of a separato independence." Such was theappeal of James Lyons to his countrymen in 1856. The contingencyperhaps it is well for us that it did not as Mr. Lyons was obviously in advance of our people respeure of redress" In the canvass of 1860, Mr. Lyons, in his many speeches, declared that he had [6 more...]
t the election of a Black Republican President. The following is an extract: "It is impossible," said Mr. Lyons, "that the Southern States can ever permit Mr. Fremont to be inaugurated as their president, unless they are prepared to become worse than bondsmen, more degraded than the serfs of Russia, the very slaves of their oor becomes subversive of those ends, it cease to be the Union of brothers, and becomes the bond of oppression and the badge of disgrace. "Let the election of Fremont, then, be the signal for the assembling of the Southern States to proclaim our independence, and prepare for the conflict, if conflict must come. Our forefathers had not half the cause to resist Great Britain that we shall have to dissolve our connection with the Abolitionists of the North, if Fremont is elected, and to declare him and his myrmidons enemies in war, in peace friends. "Spirits of the Revolution ! Arouse the sleeping energies of your sens, and lead them to resistance, to
tion a Norfolk when, with this state of thirgs, the Navy-Yard shall become the receptacle of her runaway negroes? What will be left you then but to fight for your property, your homes, your liberty, aye, and your lives, and with the disadvantage of having your forts and arsenals turned against you ? Will you submit to this ? Will you wait to be thus hemmed in and hewed down ? Will you justify the imputation of the brees Burlingame, who ran away from his seat in Congress to avoid the lash of Brooks, and of the patriotic Banks, whose mission it was to make the Union slide, until he slid into the Speaker's chair, and who now says that nothing can dissolve the Union--that you are cowards, whom no wrong, no oppression, no insult can excits to resistance ? Never ! never ! This Union has been glorious, and is dear to the heart of every patriot; but liberty, honor, independence are dearer far. They are the great ends — the Union is but the means; anti if it fails or becomes subversive of thos
December, 1856 AD (search for this): article 1
s a member of the House of Delegates, Senate, and "Reform Convention" of Virginia, respectively, "Mr. Lyons graces every station to which he is called. Though he never occupied any official position under any other Government than that of his native Commonwealth, he has long been extensively known as one of the distinguished sons of the South. The writer of this has a distinct recollection of the impression made by Mr. Lyons upon the Southern Commercial Convention, held at Savannah in December, 1856, of which body he was President. In that assembly, composed in part of some of the ablest statesmen of the South, Mr. Lyons gained a reputation of which any one might be justly prond. That able and discriminating journal, the Savannah Republican, in a notice of the proceedings of the Convention, thus expressed itself in regard to President Lyons: "Whatever differences of opinion may exist in regard to the sentiments and doing of the Convention, there is one point upon which all ar
Burlingame (search for this): article 1
to protect them as they sail from your waters ? What will be the condition a Norfolk when, with this state of thirgs, the Navy-Yard shall become the receptacle of her runaway negroes? What will be left you then but to fight for your property, your homes, your liberty, aye, and your lives, and with the disadvantage of having your forts and arsenals turned against you ? Will you submit to this ? Will you wait to be thus hemmed in and hewed down ? Will you justify the imputation of the brees Burlingame, who ran away from his seat in Congress to avoid the lash of Brooks, and of the patriotic Banks, whose mission it was to make the Union slide, until he slid into the Speaker's chair, and who now says that nothing can dissolve the Union--that you are cowards, whom no wrong, no oppression, no insult can excits to resistance ? Never ! never ! This Union has been glorious, and is dear to the heart of every patriot; but liberty, honor, independence are dearer far. They are the great ends — the
Russia (Russia) (search for this): article 1
es in the North, and deduced therefrom the conclusion that there was but little conservative nationality of sentiment in that quarter. He closed his letter with an appeal to his countrymen to resist the election of a Black Republican President. The following is an extract: "It is impossible," said Mr. Lyons, "that the Southern States can ever permit Mr. Fremont to be inaugurated as their president, unless they are prepared to become worse than bondsmen, more degraded than the serfs of Russia, the very slaves of their own slaves. Place at the head of this Government, and in command of the army and navy, a man who has been cashiered for mutiny, with the Treasury under his care; who has attempted to plunder the Treasury of nearly one million of dollars, with a party at his back proclaiming hostility to slavery and slave-owners; who claim the right and declare their purpose to be to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia--in the forts, arsenals, and dock-yards — and who are pl
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 1
riot; but liberty, honor, independence are dearer far. They are the great ends — the Union is but the means; anti if it fails or becomes subversive of those ends, it cease to be the Union of brothers, and becomes the bond of oppression and the badge of disgrace. "Let the election of Fremont, then, be the signal for the assembling of the Southern States to proclaim our independence, and prepare for the conflict, if conflict must come. Our forefathers had not half the cause to resist Great Britain that we shall have to dissolve our connection with the Abolitionists of the North, if Fremont is elected, and to declare him and his myrmidons enemies in war, in peace friends. "Spirits of the Revolution ! Arouse the sleeping energies of your sens, and lead them to resistance, to victory, and to independence." Such was theappeal of James Lyons to his countrymen in 1856. The contingency for Southern action did not then occur, and perhaps it is well for us that it did not as Mr.
Chatham (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 1
nion may well be proud that she is able to boast of such a son." This compliment to Mr. Lyons was cordially endorsed, so far as could be ascertained, by the entire Convention. Another Southern journal spoke of his closing address to the Convention as one of the happiest efforts of extemporaneous eloquence. "Knightly courtesy," said the writter, "was stamped on every paragraph; the chaste, graceful, and eloquent elocution would have done no discredit to Chesterfield or the Earl of Chatham. The address breathed throughout the spirit which should animate every man in the South." Such was the impression made by James Lyons as the President of an intelligent Southern assembly, five years since. That he would make an equally favorable impression in the Congress of the Confederate states, we do not entertain a doubt. Elect him to the ensuing Congress, and he will occupy in it the position or one of the most able, accomplished, and useful members. Upon the great questi
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