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Dennis Cussick (search for this): article 1
laiborne, 2d N. C. Alfred B. Scott, 2d N. C. John S. Turpin, 2d N. C. Wm. Bennett, 46th Va. Wm. Wilson, N. C. State Guards. Chas Bailey, N. C. State Guards. Total killed....16 Wounded. Fifty-ninth Virginia.--Lt. Walker, slight, in the leg; Geo. Collin, severe, in elbow; Thos. Robbins, Co. B, severe, in knee; William David, severe, in thigh and abdomen; John Ray, flesh wound, in hand; Lt. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John smith, severe, left eye; Wm. E. Quigley, in head; Lt. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty sixth Virginia.--Frank Gamble, Co. A, wounded in leg; Frank Johnson, Co. A, wounded in leg; Henry Adler, severe fracture, thigh; G. W. Jarvis, flesh wound, in foot; Lt. Fred. Carter, slight wound, arm; Wm. Nute, slight, in leg; Robert Thomas, Co. I, slight, in neck; Chas. H. Thompson, slight, head; Benj. Burgess, right knee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. 31s
William B. Selden (search for this): article 1
risoner-- (what a humiliating thought.) After that time I feel at liberty to say but little, owing to the terms of my parole. To relieve public anxiety as to the result of the fight, I will premise a little, and give the list of killed and wounded on our side to-day, although it properly belongs to the succeeding letter. The casualties were as follows: Killed. Capt. O. Jennings Wise, 46th Va.; shot in several places. Capt. Coles, Company I, 46th Va.; shot in breast. Lieut. William B. Selden, C. S. A.; shot in head. Lieut. Neill T. Monroe, Company E, 8th N. C.; shot in breast, James D. Horn, 8th N. C. Corporal Lane, 8th N. C. R. W. Cameron, 8th N. C. Thos. P. Mulleneaux, 2d N. C. Johnston Williams, 2d N. C. Serg't John H. Talley, 2d N. C. S. J. Claiborne, 2d N. C. Alfred B. Scott, 2d N. C. John S. Turpin, 2d N. C. Wm. Bennett, 46th Va. Wm. Wilson, N. C. State Guards. Chas Bailey, N. C. State Guards. Total killed....16 Wounded. Fif
Thomas Robbins (search for this): article 1
t in breast, James D. Horn, 8th N. C. Corporal Lane, 8th N. C. R. W. Cameron, 8th N. C. Thos. P. Mulleneaux, 2d N. C. Johnston Williams, 2d N. C. Serg't John H. Talley, 2d N. C. S. J. Claiborne, 2d N. C. Alfred B. Scott, 2d N. C. John S. Turpin, 2d N. C. Wm. Bennett, 46th Va. Wm. Wilson, N. C. State Guards. Chas Bailey, N. C. State Guards. Total killed....16 Wounded. Fifty-ninth Virginia.--Lt. Walker, slight, in the leg; Geo. Collin, severe, in elbow; Thos. Robbins, Co. B, severe, in knee; William David, severe, in thigh and abdomen; John Ray, flesh wound, in hand; Lt. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John smith, severe, left eye; Wm. E. Quigley, in head; Lt. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty sixth Virginia.--Frank Gamble, Co. A, wounded in leg; Frank Johnson, Co. A, wounded in leg; Henry Adler, severe fracture, thigh; G. W. Jarvis, flesh wound, in foot; Lt. Fred. Carte
W. H. Wolford (search for this): article 1
ee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. 31st North Carolina.--J. W. Wardsworth, in lungs, probably mortal; Wm. H. Werner, right arm. 8th North Carolina.--Corporal J. H. Anderson, finger shot off; James W. Haney, flesh wound in thigh; William Sikes, severe, right arm; Edward Russ, severe in head; Captain Jos. W. Whitson, slight in leg; James Snowden, Company B, in hand; Martin Etheridge, in hand; J. J. Sloin, in arm; Jos. Jarvis, in head. 2nd North Carolina.--W. H. Wolford, Company D, in arm; William L, Wilson, Company A, in leg; Jacob P. Jarrett, in head; G. W. Graves, in forehead. 17th North Carolina, (in Fort Barton.)--James Green, severe in shoulder; Wm. Groves, severe, in thigh. Total, 39. Generally the wounds are very slight, and with few exceptions, are rapidly recovering. All are now in a hospital at Elizabeth City, but will be removed to Norfolk as soon as proper transportation can be provided Medical supplies and medicine have been se
Chas Bailey (search for this): article 1
. Capt. Coles, Company I, 46th Va.; shot in breast. Lieut. William B. Selden, C. S. A.; shot in head. Lieut. Neill T. Monroe, Company E, 8th N. C.; shot in breast, James D. Horn, 8th N. C. Corporal Lane, 8th N. C. R. W. Cameron, 8th N. C. Thos. P. Mulleneaux, 2d N. C. Johnston Williams, 2d N. C. Serg't John H. Talley, 2d N. C. S. J. Claiborne, 2d N. C. Alfred B. Scott, 2d N. C. John S. Turpin, 2d N. C. Wm. Bennett, 46th Va. Wm. Wilson, N. C. State Guards. Chas Bailey, N. C. State Guards. Total killed....16 Wounded. Fifty-ninth Virginia.--Lt. Walker, slight, in the leg; Geo. Collin, severe, in elbow; Thos. Robbins, Co. B, severe, in knee; William David, severe, in thigh and abdomen; John Ray, flesh wound, in hand; Lt. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John smith, severe, left eye; Wm. E. Quigley, in head; Lt. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty sixth Virginia.--Fra
G. W. Graves (search for this): article 1
ungs, probably mortal; Wm. H. Werner, right arm. 8th North Carolina.--Corporal J. H. Anderson, finger shot off; James W. Haney, flesh wound in thigh; William Sikes, severe, right arm; Edward Russ, severe in head; Captain Jos. W. Whitson, slight in leg; James Snowden, Company B, in hand; Martin Etheridge, in hand; J. J. Sloin, in arm; Jos. Jarvis, in head. 2nd North Carolina.--W. H. Wolford, Company D, in arm; William L, Wilson, Company A, in leg; Jacob P. Jarrett, in head; G. W. Graves, in forehead. 17th North Carolina, (in Fort Barton.)--James Green, severe in shoulder; Wm. Groves, severe, in thigh. Total, 39. Generally the wounds are very slight, and with few exceptions, are rapidly recovering. All are now in a hospital at Elizabeth City, but will be removed to Norfolk as soon as proper transportation can be provided Medical supplies and medicine have been sent down from Norfolk, and every possible attention given to relieve their sufferings. And now,
in the morning. Passing by the quarters of Major Hill, we found the gallant officer already up and preparing for the forthcoming fight. By him was Capt. Taylor, C. S. A., the officer in general charge of the ordnance on the island, and also Lts. Talcott and Loyall, all of whom fought nobly and bravely during the engagement. The night was intensely dark and misty. The light of the burning huts reflected its red glare upon the ramparts of the fort, and showed us where the enemy's shots had ta which the little waves washed musically, and far beyond the lanterns hung in the rigging of the ships indicating where they lay at anchor. We went through the work examining every embrasure, the magazine, parapet, gun carriage and traverse--Lieut. Talcott at the time giving directions to guide the artisans and laborers in their repairs. At three we returned, and I was soon after dreaming of — not battle scenes, but of happy hours with dear, good friends. Want of space forbids me to give
John Lawson (search for this): article 1
. Serg't John H. Talley, 2d N. C. S. J. Claiborne, 2d N. C. Alfred B. Scott, 2d N. C. John S. Turpin, 2d N. C. Wm. Bennett, 46th Va. Wm. Wilson, N. C. State Guards. Chas Bailey, N. C. State Guards. Total killed....16 Wounded. Fifty-ninth Virginia.--Lt. Walker, slight, in the leg; Geo. Collin, severe, in elbow; Thos. Robbins, Co. B, severe, in knee; William David, severe, in thigh and abdomen; John Ray, flesh wound, in hand; Lt. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John smith, severe, left eye; Wm. E. Quigley, in head; Lt. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty sixth Virginia.--Frank Gamble, Co. A, wounded in leg; Frank Johnson, Co. A, wounded in leg; Henry Adler, severe fracture, thigh; G. W. Jarvis, flesh wound, in foot; Lt. Fred. Carter, slight wound, arm; Wm. Nute, slight, in leg; Robert Thomas, Co. I, slight, in neck; Chas. H. Thompson, slight, head; Benj. Burgess, right knee; David B
Robert Thomas (search for this): article 1
in thigh and abdomen; John Ray, flesh wound, in hand; Lt. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John smith, severe, left eye; Wm. E. Quigley, in head; Lt. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty sixth Virginia.--Frank Gamble, Co. A, wounded in leg; Frank Johnson, Co. A, wounded in leg; Henry Adler, severe fracture, thigh; G. W. Jarvis, flesh wound, in foot; Lt. Fred. Carter, slight wound, arm; Wm. Nute, slight, in leg; Robert Thomas, Co. I, slight, in neck; Chas. H. Thompson, slight, head; Benj. Burgess, right knee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. 31st North Carolina.--J. W. Wardsworth, in lungs, probably mortal; Wm. H. Werner, right arm. 8th North Carolina.--Corporal J. H. Anderson, finger shot off; James W. Haney, flesh wound in thigh; William Sikes, severe, right arm; Edward Russ, severe in head; Captain Jos. W. Whitson, slight in leg; James Snowden, Company B, in hand; Martin Etherid
Charles H. Thompson (search for this): article 1
und, in hand; Lt. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John smith, severe, left eye; Wm. E. Quigley, in head; Lt. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty sixth Virginia.--Frank Gamble, Co. A, wounded in leg; Frank Johnson, Co. A, wounded in leg; Henry Adler, severe fracture, thigh; G. W. Jarvis, flesh wound, in foot; Lt. Fred. Carter, slight wound, arm; Wm. Nute, slight, in leg; Robert Thomas, Co. I, slight, in neck; Chas. H. Thompson, slight, head; Benj. Burgess, right knee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. 31st North Carolina.--J. W. Wardsworth, in lungs, probably mortal; Wm. H. Werner, right arm. 8th North Carolina.--Corporal J. H. Anderson, finger shot off; James W. Haney, flesh wound in thigh; William Sikes, severe, right arm; Edward Russ, severe in head; Captain Jos. W. Whitson, slight in leg; James Snowden, Company B, in hand; Martin Etheridge, in hand; J. J. Sloin, in arm; Jos. Ja
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