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O. Jennings Wise (search for this): article 1
ents immediately from Nag's Head. As soon as possible the 59th Virginia regiment, under Col. Frank Anderson, with two companies of the 46th Virginia, under Captain O. J. Wise, were embarked on barges for the island. The fight had begun before the troops reached the point of Roanoke, and as the upper portion was rounded the whole Col. Anderson ordered the barges grounded, and then proceeded to land the men as rapidly as possible. The disembarkation was conducted by Col. Anderson and Capt. O. J. Wise, in an orderly manner, and in less than two hours the men were formed in column, on the beach, and were prepared to march down the island to the point he list of killed and wounded on our side to-day, although it properly belongs to the succeeding letter. The casualties were as follows: Killed. Capt. O. Jennings Wise, 46th Va.; shot in several places. Capt. Coles, Company I, 46th Va.; shot in breast. Lieut. William B. Selden, C. S. A.; shot in head. Lieut. Nei
Isadore Potier (search for this): article 1
6th Va. Wm. Wilson, N. C. State Guards. Chas Bailey, N. C. State Guards. Total killed....16 Wounded. Fifty-ninth Virginia.--Lt. Walker, slight, in the leg; Geo. Collin, severe, in elbow; Thos. Robbins, Co. B, severe, in knee; William David, severe, in thigh and abdomen; John Ray, flesh wound, in hand; Lt. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John smith, severe, left eye; Wm. E. Quigley, in head; Lt. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty sixth Virginia.--Frank Gamble, Co. A, wounded in leg; Frank Johnson, Co. A, wounded in leg; Henry Adler, severe fracture, thigh; G. W. Jarvis, flesh wound, in foot; Lt. Fred. Carter, slight wound, arm; Wm. Nute, slight, in leg; Robert Thomas, Co. I, slight, in neck; Chas. H. Thompson, slight, head; Benj. Burgess, right knee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. 31st North Carolina.--J. W. Wardsworth, in lungs, probably mortal; Wm. H. Werner, right arm.
S. J. Claiborne (search for this): article 1
belongs to the succeeding letter. The casualties were as follows: Killed. Capt. O. Jennings Wise, 46th Va.; shot in several places. Capt. Coles, Company I, 46th Va.; shot in breast. Lieut. William B. Selden, C. S. A.; shot in head. Lieut. Neill T. Monroe, Company E, 8th N. C.; shot in breast, James D. Horn, 8th N. C. Corporal Lane, 8th N. C. R. W. Cameron, 8th N. C. Thos. P. Mulleneaux, 2d N. C. Johnston Williams, 2d N. C. Serg't John H. Talley, 2d N. C. S. J. Claiborne, 2d N. C. Alfred B. Scott, 2d N. C. John S. Turpin, 2d N. C. Wm. Bennett, 46th Va. Wm. Wilson, N. C. State Guards. Chas Bailey, N. C. State Guards. Total killed....16 Wounded. Fifty-ninth Virginia.--Lt. Walker, slight, in the leg; Geo. Collin, severe, in elbow; Thos. Robbins, Co. B, severe, in knee; William David, severe, in thigh and abdomen; John Ray, flesh wound, in hand; Lt. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis
Joseph Jarvis (search for this): article 1
. Thompson, slight, head; Benj. Burgess, right knee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. 31st North Carolina.--J. W. Wardsworth, in lungs, probably mortal; Wm. H. Werner, right arm. 8th North Carolina.--Corporal J. H. Anderson, finger shot off; James W. Haney, flesh wound in thigh; William Sikes, severe, right arm; Edward Russ, severe in head; Captain Jos. W. Whitson, slight in leg; James Snowden, Company B, in hand; Martin Etheridge, in hand; J. J. Sloin, in arm; Jos. Jarvis, in head. 2nd North Carolina.--W. H. Wolford, Company D, in arm; William L, Wilson, Company A, in leg; Jacob P. Jarrett, in head; G. W. Graves, in forehead. 17th North Carolina, (in Fort Barton.)--James Green, severe in shoulder; Wm. Groves, severe, in thigh. Total, 39. Generally the wounds are very slight, and with few exceptions, are rapidly recovering. All are now in a hospital at Elizabeth City, but will be removed to Norfolk as soon as proper transportation can be pr
William E. Quigley (search for this): article 1
, 2d N. C. Wm. Bennett, 46th Va. Wm. Wilson, N. C. State Guards. Chas Bailey, N. C. State Guards. Total killed....16 Wounded. Fifty-ninth Virginia.--Lt. Walker, slight, in the leg; Geo. Collin, severe, in elbow; Thos. Robbins, Co. B, severe, in knee; William David, severe, in thigh and abdomen; John Ray, flesh wound, in hand; Lt. Edgar Miller, slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John smith, severe, left eye; Wm. E. Quigley, in head; Lt. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty sixth Virginia.--Frank Gamble, Co. A, wounded in leg; Frank Johnson, Co. A, wounded in leg; Henry Adler, severe fracture, thigh; G. W. Jarvis, flesh wound, in foot; Lt. Fred. Carter, slight wound, arm; Wm. Nute, slight, in leg; Robert Thomas, Co. I, slight, in neck; Chas. H. Thompson, slight, head; Benj. Burgess, right knee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. 31st North Carolina.--J. W. Wardsworth, in lungs, probably mortal;
James D. Horn (search for this): article 1
of my parole. To relieve public anxiety as to the result of the fight, I will premise a little, and give the list of killed and wounded on our side to-day, although it properly belongs to the succeeding letter. The casualties were as follows: Killed. Capt. O. Jennings Wise, 46th Va.; shot in several places. Capt. Coles, Company I, 46th Va.; shot in breast. Lieut. William B. Selden, C. S. A.; shot in head. Lieut. Neill T. Monroe, Company E, 8th N. C.; shot in breast, James D. Horn, 8th N. C. Corporal Lane, 8th N. C. R. W. Cameron, 8th N. C. Thos. P. Mulleneaux, 2d N. C. Johnston Williams, 2d N. C. Serg't John H. Talley, 2d N. C. S. J. Claiborne, 2d N. C. Alfred B. Scott, 2d N. C. John S. Turpin, 2d N. C. Wm. Bennett, 46th Va. Wm. Wilson, N. C. State Guards. Chas Bailey, N. C. State Guards. Total killed....16 Wounded. Fifty-ninth Virginia.--Lt. Walker, slight, in the leg; Geo. Collin, severe, in elbow; Thos. Robbins, Co. B, severe
O. J. Wise (search for this): article 1
nd commenced firing with rifled guns of long range and heavy calibre. Gradually falling back to bring the ships within range of the guns in the "Pork Point" battery, our ships finally made a stand, and at 12. 40, commenced the fight.--Then the engagement became general, and rapid firing was kept up on both sides. Our steamers joined the battery in sending defiance to the thunder of the enemy's guns. Meanwhile preparations were going on to make a defence on land, and word was sent to Gen. Wise to send over reinforcements immediately from Nag's Head. As soon as possible the 59th Virginia regiment, under Col. Frank Anderson, with two companies of the 46th Virginia, under Captain O. J. Wise, were embarked on barges for the island. The fight had begun before the troops reached the point of Roanoke, and as the upper portion was rounded the whole scene burst upon the eye. Ah! what a beautiful sight it was! Below, some three or four miles away, was our little fleet in line, and bey
James Green (search for this): article 1
.--Corporal J. H. Anderson, finger shot off; James W. Haney, flesh wound in thigh; William Sikes, severe, right arm; Edward Russ, severe in head; Captain Jos. W. Whitson, slight in leg; James Snowden, Company B, in hand; Martin Etheridge, in hand; J. J. Sloin, in arm; Jos. Jarvis, in head. 2nd North Carolina.--W. H. Wolford, Company D, in arm; William L, Wilson, Company A, in leg; Jacob P. Jarrett, in head; G. W. Graves, in forehead. 17th North Carolina, (in Fort Barton.)--James Green, severe in shoulder; Wm. Groves, severe, in thigh. Total, 39. Generally the wounds are very slight, and with few exceptions, are rapidly recovering. All are now in a hospital at Elizabeth City, but will be removed to Norfolk as soon as proper transportation can be provided Medical supplies and medicine have been sent down from Norfolk, and every possible attention given to relieve their sufferings. And now, my dear friends, I beg your congratulations and ask some sympathy for
Benjamin Burgess (search for this): article 1
slight, in shoulder; John Lawson, in arm; Jas. A. Snell, in arm; Dennis Cussick, finger shot off; John smith, severe, left eye; Wm. E. Quigley, in head; Lt. Isadore Potier, in leg. Forty sixth Virginia.--Frank Gamble, Co. A, wounded in leg; Frank Johnson, Co. A, wounded in leg; Henry Adler, severe fracture, thigh; G. W. Jarvis, flesh wound, in foot; Lt. Fred. Carter, slight wound, arm; Wm. Nute, slight, in leg; Robert Thomas, Co. I, slight, in neck; Chas. H. Thompson, slight, head; Benj. Burgess, right knee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. 31st North Carolina.--J. W. Wardsworth, in lungs, probably mortal; Wm. H. Werner, right arm. 8th North Carolina.--Corporal J. H. Anderson, finger shot off; James W. Haney, flesh wound in thigh; William Sikes, severe, right arm; Edward Russ, severe in head; Captain Jos. W. Whitson, slight in leg; James Snowden, Company B, in hand; Martin Etheridge, in hand; J. J. Sloin, in arm; Jos. Jarvis, in head. 2nd North C
Martin Etheridge (search for this): article 1
Robert Thomas, Co. I, slight, in neck; Chas. H. Thompson, slight, head; Benj. Burgess, right knee; David Bishop, right shoulder, with fracture. 31st North Carolina.--J. W. Wardsworth, in lungs, probably mortal; Wm. H. Werner, right arm. 8th North Carolina.--Corporal J. H. Anderson, finger shot off; James W. Haney, flesh wound in thigh; William Sikes, severe, right arm; Edward Russ, severe in head; Captain Jos. W. Whitson, slight in leg; James Snowden, Company B, in hand; Martin Etheridge, in hand; J. J. Sloin, in arm; Jos. Jarvis, in head. 2nd North Carolina.--W. H. Wolford, Company D, in arm; William L, Wilson, Company A, in leg; Jacob P. Jarrett, in head; G. W. Graves, in forehead. 17th North Carolina, (in Fort Barton.)--James Green, severe in shoulder; Wm. Groves, severe, in thigh. Total, 39. Generally the wounds are very slight, and with few exceptions, are rapidly recovering. All are now in a hospital at Elizabeth City, but will be removed to Norfo
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