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Suez (Egypt) (search for this): article 6
, who has been for the last two years absent from Russia, successively staying in Germany, France, Portugal, Italy, and England, is expected immediately at St. Petersburg. A letter from Rome says. "The business agent of Prince Joseph Bonaparte, his elterege, M. Renazzi, has just been arrested by order of the Pontifical Government All that is known further is, that the arrest is due to political causes." Mr. Latimer Clarke, the engineer for the Red Sea cable, has tested the cable at Suez, and finds the insulation perfect for one hundred and fifty miles. The arrangements for opening the Jubal station are progressing satisfactorily, and the Pasha has given his cordial co-operation. Lord Leigh, of Stoneleigh Abbey, is appealing to the public for the distressed operatives of Coventry. His lordship says there are twenty-five thousand people there out of employment, and a committee has been formed to assist some of them to emigrate. The Vienna papers mention a handsome d
Vienna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
Stoneleigh Abbey, is appealing to the public for the distressed operatives of Coventry. His lordship says there are twenty-five thousand people there out of employment, and a committee has been formed to assist some of them to emigrate. The Vienna papers mention a handsome donation made by the Prince of Wales for the benefit of the sufferest by the innadations and unusually severe weather, which latter has greatly aggravated the misery of thousands of poor houseless wretches, driven by thejointure, together with a residence at Darmstadt, and the interest of her marriage portion. Should her Royal Highness become Grand Duchess of Hesse, she is to receive the same allowance that former Grand Duchesses have enjoyed. Letters from Vienna mention that the nephew of Count Dragenfeld, Minister of War, had been devoured by wolves. He was returning from hanting in a sledge, when he was attacked by two of these animals; he fired on them, and the coachman put his horse to a gallop to e
Darmstadt (Hesse, Germany) (search for this): article 6
Royal Highness's marriage portion, and for its disposal, in case of there being issue or otherwise. By the seventh article her Majesty promises to secure to her daughter from the time of her marriage the annual sum of £6,000 to be received by commissioners named by the Queen, for the sole and separate use of the Princess. The Grand Duke of Hesse engages, by the eighth article, to secure to her Royal Highness, in the event of the death of his son, a jointure, together with a residence at Darmstadt, and the interest of her marriage portion. Should her Royal Highness become Grand Duchess of Hesse, she is to receive the same allowance that former Grand Duchesses have enjoyed. Letters from Vienna mention that the nephew of Count Dragenfeld, Minister of War, had been devoured by wolves. He was returning from hanting in a sledge, when he was attacked by two of these animals; he fired on them, and the coachman put his horse to a gallop to escape, but in doing so precipitated the Cou
Hesse (Hesse, Germany) (search for this): article 6
tly after. The jury, without hesitation, declared that the document was not the will of the deceased. The treaty between Queen Victoria and the Grand Duke of Hesse, relative to the marriage of the Princess Alice has just issued. It consists of nine articles. The expenses of the joint establishment are to be defrayed out of time of her marriage the annual sum of £6,000 to be received by commissioners named by the Queen, for the sole and separate use of the Princess. The Grand Duke of Hesse engages, by the eighth article, to secure to her Royal Highness, in the event of the death of his son, a jointure, together with a residence at Darmstadt, and the interest of her marriage portion. Should her Royal Highness become Grand Duchess of Hesse, she is to receive the same allowance that former Grand Duchesses have enjoyed. Letters from Vienna mention that the nephew of Count Dragenfeld, Minister of War, had been devoured by wolves. He was returning from hanting in a sledge, wh
Portugal (Portugal) (search for this): article 6
ings. Prince Alfred is expected to return to England this month. The young Prince left the West Indies for Mexico, two days before the letter recalling him reached his station in those islands. The Italian Free Masons have just introduced an important innovation in the status of the Society. There are new sister Masons, venerable, and great mistresses. The Grand Duke Constantine, who has been for the last two years absent from Russia, successively staying in Germany, France, Portugal, Italy, and England, is expected immediately at St. Petersburg. A letter from Rome says. "The business agent of Prince Joseph Bonaparte, his elterege, M. Renazzi, has just been arrested by order of the Pontifical Government All that is known further is, that the arrest is due to political causes." Mr. Latimer Clarke, the engineer for the Red Sea cable, has tested the cable at Suez, and finds the insulation perfect for one hundred and fifty miles. The arrangements for opening the
Dublin (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
ed to that gentleman that a breach of the privileges of the House could not be permitted, and that it was his intention to state the facts to the House and leave the question in its hands. The Speaker called upon the O'Donoghue to express his regret for what had occurred, Major Gavin explained his part in the transaction, and said that Sir Robert Peel had refused to retract anything that he had stated. The cause of offence was Sir Robert's allusion to the late meeting in the Rotunda at Dublin — got up by "Mannakin traitors," and to which no one of respectability responded. The O'Donoghue, after some little pressure from the Speaker, made the required apology to the House; but in doing so, he uttered some insuiting taunts towards Sir Robert Peel. Lord C. Paget introduced the Navy estimates and entered at length into the position of naval affairs. After some debate a vote of seventy-six thousand men and the required sum for their wages and maintenance was agreed to.
Turin (Italy) (search for this): article 6
n of a most extraordinary character, which had been published in the Neapolitan papers. The proclamation sits forth that after a certain day no person shall set foot in a certain district, that all houses, hovels and cabins of every description are to be levelled to the ground, and that the inhabitants of every farm house in which ors than a day's food is found, shall be treated as brigands, and immediately shot. Earl Russeil--I had received no information from the English Minister at Turin or the Consul at Naples, and asked for a copy of the proclamation. In the House of Commons on the same evening, Mr. Horsfall gave notice that on the 11th of March he would move that the present state of international maritime law, as it concerns belligerents and nentials, is undefined, unsatisfactory, and calls for the early attention of her Majesty's Government. France. The discussion on the address war resumed in the Senate on the 24th ultimo, M Troplong exhorted the Senators
France (France) (search for this): article 6
lligerents and nentials, is undefined, unsatisfactory, and calls for the early attention of her Majesty's Government. France. The discussion on the address war resumed in the Senate on the 24th ultimo, M Troplong exhorted the Senators to preserve a conciliatory and moderate tone in the debates. M. de Boissy regretted that France had assisted England in revenging herself on the Chinese. He was of opinion that the money expended in the Crimea and in Italy would have been better applied t The French Government had authorized the General Maritime Company to purchase steamers in England for the line between France and Mexico, about to be established. The Moniteu, with Prince Napoleon's first speech, and an account of the tumultu The Grand Duke Constantine, who has been for the last two years absent from Russia, successively staying in Germany, France, Portugal, Italy, and England, is expected immediately at St. Petersburg. A letter from Rome says. "The business ag
West Indies (search for this): article 6
clique, of whom it is perhaps making too much to notice the cowardly midnight deed at all; and we feel we would not be justified in devoting even a line of our space to the record of the puny act of disloyalty were it not that at a distance the occurrence, being heard of, might be magnilfled into something serious, and an injustice be thereby done to the character of the town. Foreion Cleanings. Prince Alfred is expected to return to England this month. The young Prince left the West Indies for Mexico, two days before the letter recalling him reached his station in those islands. The Italian Free Masons have just introduced an important innovation in the status of the Society. There are new sister Masons, venerable, and great mistresses. The Grand Duke Constantine, who has been for the last two years absent from Russia, successively staying in Germany, France, Portugal, Italy, and England, is expected immediately at St. Petersburg. A letter from Rome says. "
Tipperary (Irish Republic) (search for this): article 6
utcry, and the mensought consolation in the wine shogs. The French Government had authorized the General Maritime Company to purchase steamers in England for the line between France and Mexico, about to be established. The Moniteu, with Prince Napoleon's first speech, and an account of the tumultuous actions which it produced, had been posted on the walls of Paris, and extensively and eagerly read by the working classes. An Unpopular flag Moisted in Ireland.[from the Nenagh (Tipperary) Gusrdian.] Early on Monday morning last a large flag, representing the national banner of America, was seen floating from the summit of the Old Castle of this town, which is at present undergoing alterations to make it a belfry for the contemplated Catholic cathedral of Nenagh. The disloyal and offensive emblem, which exhibited in large characters the Stars and Stripes of the American Republic, was promptly seized by the police, and is at prasent in custody of Sub-Inspector Reamsbott
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