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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: April 10, 1862., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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J. R. Graves (search for this): article 19
A formidable Pike. --The Memphis Avalanche describes a new weapon, called the "Graves lance and pike," named after its inventor, the Rev. J. R. Graves, of Nashville. Its striking peculiarities are: 1. Its wound at once paralyzes the enemy, and it is of the most fatal character. 2. It is portable and can be used with a shot gun. Its length is nine or ten feet when extended, and when folded only the length of the musket. 3. A body of soldiers can be drilled with the manual used for the --The Memphis Avalanche describes a new weapon, called the "Graves lance and pike," named after its inventor, the Rev. J. R. Graves, of Nashville. Its striking peculiarities are: 1. Its wound at once paralyzes the enemy, and it is of the most fatal character. 2. It is portable and can be used with a shot gun. Its length is nine or ten feet when extended, and when folded only the length of the musket. 3. A body of soldiers can be drilled with the manual used for the musket and bayonet.