Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 17, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Thomas G. Jackson or search for Thomas G. Jackson in all documents.

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gunboats to assist him in his movements along the Peninsula, the presence of the Merrimac alone, it is supposed, will keep them at the station and prevent such a co- operation. The impression was general yesterday that the Merrimac was aground off Craney Island and, if this should be so, there is but little excuse for our naval force if the opportunity is not taken advantage of to destroy her. From General Banks the War Department are in receipt of a dispatch which states that in General Jackson's rebel camp it was believed that General Beauregard was dead — It is probable, however, that there is some mistake in the news, and that the intelligence of the death of General A. S. Johnston which has been confirmed by General Beauregard's dispatch, has in some measure been confounded with that of Gen. Beauregard himself. Later intelligence from Port Royal indicates that the operations of Gen. Hunters department are progressing favorably; but to enable him to carry out to the fu