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Samuel S. Harris 31 1 Browse Search
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Paducah (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 10
ines under a flag of truce that evening. Having learned from Dr. Baumbaugh, a Federal surgeon who accompanied Lieutenant Harris, the purport of the dispatch, McCook said that he did not doubt but that an exchange of wounded prisoners would be agreed to, but that our army had been so well supplied with ambulances and assistants during the recent fight, that nearly all our wounded had been recovered by ourselves.--Those that the had taken, be said, had principally been sent to St. Louis, Paducah, or Cincinnati, to be batter cared for Lieutenant Harris then took his leave. In the afternoon a flag of truce from the enemy, covering a Federal surgeon and other officers, approached one lines with Buell's reply, and an ambulance of medical stores for our wounded at the " Hospital" Lt. Reese, of the 1st Alabama regiment was sent to receive it, but refused a admission to the officers on the ground that we had though medical supplies of our own. After the Federal officer left, one
West Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
re to see Gen. Bragg and learn his opinion as to how he thought his battery was served during the recent battle, alluding to Bragg's battery, which served at Buena Vista, now in possession of the Tennessee Harris replied that the battery could not have been in Sunday's fight, or else he would not have asked the question, as all their batteries that day had been captured by us. The renegade Virginian than remarked that Gen. Hardee was a great friend of his, whom be had known a well at West Point, and that he would like to send him by Harris two bottles of brandy. Harris regretted he could not conveniently carry the bottles. Gen. McCook then expressed some surprise at Gen. Beauregard having address and his dispatch to Gen. Buell, instead of Grant, saying that the latter was in command. The messenger now returned, when Gen. McCook informed Lieut Harris that General Buell was absent from his headquarters but that an answer would be sent to our lines under a flag of truce t
Iowa (Iowa, United States) (search for this): article 10
is replied it with very uncertain! McCook then remarked that we must have had a large portion of the army of Manassas present at the battle of Shiloh. Harris replied that not a man oft was there. "Then," said McCook, "where, under heaven, did your troops come from and where were they drilled? ' adding the attack on Sunday was most brilliantly planned and splendidly executed, and that we came near gaining a complete victory over them. He was exceedingly severe on many Ohio and Iowa regiments, remarking that he supposed we considered them the greatest cow in the world. He spoke in the highest tales of our officers, and said that our Government had made its appointments much creetly than his. He then asked how it was to Corinth. Harris replied that he did not exactly know, but that the distance could be easily ascertained by a march. McCook railed, and said that they intended to have made a march in a few days, and should have been down there before this.
ould be, for they would certainly have to travel that road twice, they came. Their officers seemed disposed to be pleasant and courteous, and a Virginia captain of the artillery, (Federal,) by the name of Teprell, expressed a desire to see Gen. Bragg and learn his opinion as to how he thought his battery was served during the recent battle, alluding to Bragg's battery, which served at Buena Vista, now in possession of the Tennessee Harris replied that the battery could not have been in SunBragg's battery, which served at Buena Vista, now in possession of the Tennessee Harris replied that the battery could not have been in Sunday's fight, or else he would not have asked the question, as all their batteries that day had been captured by us. The renegade Virginian than remarked that Gen. Hardee was a great friend of his, whom be had known a well at West Point, and that he would like to send him by Harris two bottles of brandy. Harris regretted he could not conveniently carry the bottles. Gen. McCook then expressed some surprise at Gen. Beauregard having address and his dispatch to Gen. Buell, instead of Gra
Harris two bottles of brandy. Harris regretted he could not conveniently carry the bottles. Gen. McCook then expressed some surprise at Gen. Beauregard having address and his dispatch to Gen. Buell, instead of Grant, saying that the latter was in command. The messenger now returned, when Gen. McCook informed Lieut Harris that General Buell was absent from his headquarters but that an answer would be sent to our lines under a flag of truce that evening. Having learned from Dr. Baumbaugh, a Federal surgeon who accompanied Lieutenant Harris, the purport of the dispatch, McCook said that he did not doubt but that an exchange of wounded prisoners would be agreed to, but that our army had been so well supplied with ambulances and assistants during the recent fight, that nearly all our wounded had been recovered by ourselves.--Those that the had taken, be said, had principally been sent to St. Louis, Paducah, or Cincinnati, to be batter cared for Lieutenant Harris then took h
Beauregard on the 17th of April, sent a flag of truce to Gen. Buell, in relation to our wounded in the battle of Shiloh, hasspatches. Harris and his orders were to deliver them to Gen. Buell or one of his staff. A sergeant within the lines was then dispatched for Gen. Buell. In about half an hour the messenger returned with Gen. McCook and staff, who said he would receive the dispatch for Gen. Buell, as no flag of truce could be admitted into their lines, but that if Harris has come a little sooner he would have seen Gen. Buell himself. The dispatch was then sent by McCook, through a messenger, to Gen. Guell,se at Gen. Beauregard having address and his dispatch to Gen. Buell, instead of Grant, saying that the latter was in commandw returned, when Gen. McCook informed Lieut Harris that General Buell was absent from his headquarters but that an answer wouderal surgeon and other officers, approached one lines with Buell's reply, and an ambulance of medical stores for our wounded
Buell, in relation to our wounded in the battle of Shiloh, has already been noticed. The following very interesting account of the interview was obtained by the correspondent of the N. C. Picayunes from Lieut. Sam. S. Harris, who accompanied the flag to the enemy's line, as the bearer of Gen. Beauregard's dispatch: Lieut. Harris, on reaching the line of the enemy's pickets, which are about half a mile northeast from the neutral hospital halted his escort, when he was approached by Lieut. Wickliffe, of the 1st Kentucky regiment, who asked for his dispatches. Harris and his orders were to deliver them to Gen. Buell or one of his staff. A sergeant within the lines was then dispatched for Gen. Buell. In about half an hour the messenger returned with Gen. McCook and staff, who said he would receive the dispatch for Gen. Buell, as no flag of truce could be admitted into their lines, but that if Harris has come a little sooner he would have seen Gen. Buell himself. The dispatch was
ut half an hour the messenger returned with Gen. McCook and staff, who said he would receive the di Buell himself. The dispatch was then sent by McCook, through a messenger, to Gen. Guell, and in thtime a conversation took place between Harris, McCook, and several other Federal officers who were p which the following is the substance: Gen. McCook asked if we had the body of Gen. Johnston, erable rank could been left on the field. McCook then asked where and Gen. Prentiss was, and rt many other vessels had brought us arms. McCook then asked where the Nashville was at this timhat not a man oft was there. "Then," said McCook, "where, under heaven, did your troops come fre could be easily ascertained by a march. McCook railed, and said that they intended to have mamand. The messenger now returned, when Gen. McCook informed Lieut Harris that General Buell waieutenant Harris, the purport of the dispatch, McCook said that he did not doubt but that an exchang[3 more...]
the artillery, (Federal,) by the name of Teprell, expressed a desire to see Gen. Bragg and learn his opinion as to how he thought his battery was served during the recent battle, alluding to Bragg's battery, which served at Buena Vista, now in possession of the Tennessee Harris replied that the battery could not have been in Sunday's fight, or else he would not have asked the question, as all their batteries that day had been captured by us. The renegade Virginian than remarked that Gen. Hardee was a great friend of his, whom be had known a well at West Point, and that he would like to send him by Harris two bottles of brandy. Harris regretted he could not conveniently carry the bottles. Gen. McCook then expressed some surprise at Gen. Beauregard having address and his dispatch to Gen. Buell, instead of Grant, saying that the latter was in command. The messenger now returned, when Gen. McCook informed Lieut Harris that General Buell was absent from his headquarters bu
nday's fight, or else he would not have asked the question, as all their batteries that day had been captured by us. The renegade Virginian than remarked that Gen. Hardee was a great friend of his, whom be had known a well at West Point, and that he would like to send him by Harris two bottles of brandy. Harris regretted he could not conveniently carry the bottles. Gen. McCook then expressed some surprise at Gen. Beauregard having address and his dispatch to Gen. Buell, instead of Grant, saying that the latter was in command. The messenger now returned, when Gen. McCook informed Lieut Harris that General Buell was absent from his headquarters but that an answer would be sent to our lines under a flag of truce that evening. Having learned from Dr. Baumbaugh, a Federal surgeon who accompanied Lieutenant Harris, the purport of the dispatch, McCook said that he did not doubt but that an exchange of wounded prisoners would be agreed to, but that our army had been so we
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