Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wheat or search for Wheat in all documents.

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s. Brownstuffs, 40 cents; shipstuffs, 70 cents. Oil — Tanners', $1.12a1.50; machine, $1.50a$2 per gallon. Oats — We quote 80 cents per bushel. Rye--$1.50a$2.00 per bushel. Seed — Clover Seed, $12a$14--latter by retail; Timothy, $5½a$6½. Soda — Best English, 40 cents per lb. Sugars — Brown, 24a26 cents per lb.; coffee, 27a28 cents. All qualities firm. Salt — Some sales of North Carolina Salt at $11 per sack of 100 lbs. Tallow — 15a16 cents per lb. Wheat — Red $1 10al. 20; white $1.15a1.25, and dull. Few buyers at these prices. Wool — Market firm, and arrivals light 20 a 95 cents per pound. Money matters. Specie — We quote gold at 90 to 100 per cent. premium; stiver at 70 to 75 per cent. premium. Bank notes — Nearly all Southern Bank notes are taken on deposit by our Banks.--We note the following as rejected for the want of arrangement to make them current at Bank: Georgia--City Bank, Augusta; Mechan
An ambush on the Shenandoah. An officer attached to Wheat's battalion communicated to us yesterday the particulars of an affair which occurred near Slabtown, on the Shenandoah river, in Rockingham county, on Sunday last. Col. Wheat's battalion of Louisiana Volunteers, now a part of General Taylor's brigade, of Ewell's divisiCol. Wheat's battalion of Louisiana Volunteers, now a part of General Taylor's brigade, of Ewell's division, was out on picket duty, when it discovered a large Federal force of three regiments approaching. The battalion was immediately thrown into ambush, and patiently awaited the enemy's approach until the proper time for firing, when a well-directed volley was poured into his ranks, which threw them into confusion and caused them to fly without firing a gun. Col. Wheat had only 280 men, and seized the opportunity to make a safe retreat to his own supporting force, which was too far off to get up in time, or the affair would have been more extensive and advantageous to us. The enemy left fifteen dead in the road and carried off a number of wounded. On our