Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lewis B. Williams or search for Lewis B. Williams in all documents.

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ed in the first Virginia Regiment. The following list of the killed and wounded in the First Virginia Regiment, in the engagement near Williamsburg, on Monday, was handed to us by Capt. Tysinger, who received a wound in the hand: Col. Lewis B. Williams, severely wounded is the left breast. Major Wm H Palmer, slightly wounded in right arm. Company B--Carried into Action 24 Men and three Commissioned officers. Corporal C B Beale, killed Private Pleasant Jordan, killed.cers, 150; men in action. Seven commissioned officers wounded. Eleven men killed or mortally wounded. Twenty-three men wounded. Five missing, supposed to be wounded or prisoners--43. All wounded or killed by musketry. Went into action at 10½ o'clock; withdrew at 6½. Sent 65 prisoners to the rear, 2 colors, and a battery of 7 pieces. The 1st Regiment was in the hottest of the fight and Col. Williams, the officer in command, acquitted himself most gallantly.
$20 reward, --A reward of $20 will be paid for the recovery of my servant Taylor, who left my house about the 19th of April. He was seen to get on board of the York River Railroad cars, in company with some soldiers on their way to Yorktown, who were supposed to belong to Gen. Longstreet's division. Taylor is about 14 years old, rather small for his age, of dark ginger-break color, ready and smart in his address, and very sprightly in manner. Address Francois W. Hancock, Chief Surgeon 3d Division, or Dr. Jas. E Williams. my 7--eod5t Richmond; Va