Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Frances Taylor or search for Frances Taylor in all documents.

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wed up.--Wm. Kennedy, Wm. Andrews, Jas. Garman, and Thos Hogan, were required to answer for going into and through the house of Lucy Smith, a colored female, and taking her table and chairs and commencing on her premises a game of "old sledge," without her consent. Defendants alleged that nothing was staked on the game, which was the result only of a little fun on their part. The Mayor deemed it of a reprehensible sort, and committed the parties for want of surety for their good behavior. On learning that one of the men came from Bedford county, Va., His Honor announced his willingness to blush for his conduct as a citizen of that patriotic locality; but we are not certain that he was really guilty of the amiable weakness in question. --Elizabeth Miller, Frances Taylor, and Delia Byrd, three battered up and trifling looking females, were arraigned for keeping a house of ill fame, and were committed in default of surety.--N. W. Nelson was fined for permitting a nuisance on his lot.