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trom, William Moore, Samuel Miller, W L McFadden.
T S Reid, and J M Fry. Wounded severely: Privates D S Dickey, (and missing,) J T Thomas, Wm Richens, Joshua Ritchens, J P Nati, W C Reid, G Amy (Brown, Perry Ferguson, J H Gaston, John Dunlop, B J Massey, L H Dye, Jno McCarthy, and J P Gaston.
Wounded slightly: Sg't J O Ferguson; privates Thomas Peden, L J McGarity, D J Mytle, J D Williamson, A P Neely, J J Nichola, A Hecklin, Wm Hughes, R N Blanks, W N Elder, Lieut J C McFadden, Sg't J N Whitesides, private F Begham, Missing: Private John McGarity.
Total, killed, wounded and missing, .
Company B, Capt John White--Killed: Private W S F McFadden.
Wounded severely: Sg't J P Miller, privates J M Caskie, W O Glover, H Johnston, B Merritt, and J S Nivens.
Wounded slightly: Capt J M White, Jr 2d Lieut T M Wylis; privates B F Baker, Jas Epps, P Hargot, H Merritt, and W C Perry.
Total, killed and wounded, 14.
Company C Capt Cauley.--Killed: None — Wounded: Privates M Baum, sev