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United States (United States) 60 0 Browse Search
George B. McClellan 30 0 Browse Search
Abraham Lincoln 24 0 Browse Search
Stonewall Jackson 24 0 Browse Search
William H. Seward 24 0 Browse Search
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) 24 0 Browse Search
France (France) 20 0 Browse Search
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) 20 0 Browse Search
Havana, N. Y. (New York, United States) 14 0 Browse Search
George R. Gordon 13 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: June 16, 1862., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 25 total hits in 2 results.

United States (United States) (search for this): article 1
to call out and place in the military service of the Confederate States, for three years in the war shall have been surrendered. A white man who are residents of the Confederate States between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years at the time, who are to enrolled in the military service of the Confederate States, in the regiments battalions and companies hereafterin service, shall considered into the service of the Confederate States as part of the land forces of the same, to be that who are not already in service in the armies of the Confederate States, it shall be said for the President, with the consenseaman and ordinary seamen in the land forces of the Confederate States, enrolled under the provisions of the act, may, an aof war until mustered into the active service of the Confederate States, except that one persons, when enrolled and liable t the army or mustered in the military service of the Confederate States, or enrolled said service under the authorizations h
November, 12 AD (search for this): article 1
to elect, who shall be commission by the President: Provided, further. That further not extending sixty days, with transportation and back, shall be granted to all those readmitted in the service by the provisions of this set and the period of their original enlistment, and who have heretofore not received furloughs under provisions of an act entitled "An act providing of the granting of bounty and furloughs so prisoners and non- commissioned officers in the Provisioned Army," approved 11th December, eighteen hundred and sixty-one said furloughs to be granted times and in such numbers as the Secretary of War may deem most compatible with the public interest; the Provided, further. That in Item of a the confederation M money of the transportation hereinabove granted shall be paid to the private, musician, or non-commissioned officer greatly elect to receive it, at such time as the furlough would otherwise be granted: Provided, further. That all persons under the age of eighteen