Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 18th or search for 18th in all documents.

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Ranaway. --From the subscriber, on the 18 inst., a Negro man named Ben, purchased some short time since of Mr. Stephen Page, of North Carolina. Ben is black, about 32 years of age, over six feet high, has a good number of whip marks upon his person, and wore a true at the time of his departure, he being ruptured. He is probably making his way, to North Carolina, where he has a wife. I will give a reward of Twenty-five Dollars for his arrest and delivery to me in Richmond, or for his confinement in jail so that I get him again. David McDANIEL. je 17--4t
nce the recruits, and will prepare them for the field as rapidly as possible. They will cause them to be promptly vaccinated, and in ordering them to the field wilt, as far as practicable, prefer those who have passed through the usual camp diseases. They will establish hospitals in connection with their camps, and make requisition for such medical attendance and stores no may be required. 5. The commandants of regiment battalions, squadrons, and unstriated companies, in service on the 18th instant, will pend copies of their muster the commanding of the people army of insurrection in the respects States, with officers to take charge of such recruits as may be furnished to said corps.--The said commandants will apportion the recruits among such corps in proportion to the deficiency of each, except when otherwise specially directed by the department, allowing as far as practicable to each such serve the that from their regions of country in which it has been raised. They will, from