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Mattapony River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
th. The New York Herald, of June 19th, has been received. Its columns are quite bare of news, though it is interesting at all times to peruse the Yankee fictions and exaggerations concerning the move ments of the war. As a specimen, we commence with a paragraph from an article headed. The situation. The War Department has received a dispatch from General McClellan's headquarters, announcing that Colonel Averill had just returned with his cavalry, from a reconnaissance to the Mattaponi river, after a band of those guerrillas who have been causing some annoyance to the rear of our army. The guerrillas had vanished before Averill's troopers arrived; but he succeeded in seizing a large number of wagons laden with supplies for the rebels at Richmond, destroyed a vast amount of grain, in tended for the same point, captured several prisoners and demolished a bridge. The same dispatch states that Col. Gregg has made a reconnaissance to Charles City Court-House, recovering some m
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): article 14
political circles in that city. Coming close after the reports of the triumph of the Union army, and the official order of the United States Consul not to engage the services of any more French officers, it was not understood, and was consequently made a point of active canvass. The inference became prevalent that the new levy was required owing to the "ticklish relations" existing, or likely to soon exist, between France and the United States in consequence of Napoleon's policy and war in Mexico. The writer considers that this question has a very serious aspect, and that the "Mexican imbroglio will be the means of showing whether the Emperor has a disposition to interfere with the affairs of the United States." He adds: "If he has, he will not lack in pretext for seeking a quarrel." The London Times publishes a letter from its New York correspondent, which indicates to England very plainly — and sensibly, for a wonder — that the United States will soon become "the greatest mil
France (France) (search for this): article 14
South, will be carried across the Potomac into Maryland and the North. It appears, too, that the army of Johnston is constantly receiving reinforcements, and that he at least expects to hold our army in check until the impatience of England and France in reference to Southern cotton and tobacco, shall result in bringing those nations to the rescue. We have no doubt of the substantial truth of these statements, and we think they are entitled to the special attention of the Government. Yans of any more French officers, it was not understood, and was consequently made a point of active canvass. The inference became prevalent that the new levy was required owing to the "ticklish relations" existing, or likely to soon exist, between France and the United States in consequence of Napoleon's policy and war in Mexico. The writer considers that this question has a very serious aspect, and that the "Mexican imbroglio will be the means of showing whether the Emperor has a disposition to
New Hampshire (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): article 14
ntil the impatience of England and France in reference to Southern cotton and tobacco, shall result in bringing those nations to the rescue. We have no doubt of the substantial truth of these statements, and we think they are entitled to the special attention of the Government. Yankee Congress. The proceedings of Congress present but little of sufficient interest to transfer to our columns. In the Senate on the 18th, a bill was introduced by that radical Abolitionist, Hale, of New Hampshire, providing that when necessary to make further enlistments, the President is authorized, by proclamation, to call on all persons, without distinction of race, color or condition, to enlist in the army. The bill further provides that every slave enlisted under such proclamation of the President shall be ever there after free, and entitled to all the bounties, privileges, etc., of the soldiers in the army. The bill was referred to the Military Committee. The plain object of the Abol
Queenstown, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 14
Mexico. The writer considers that this question has a very serious aspect, and that the "Mexican imbroglio will be the means of showing whether the Emperor has a disposition to interfere with the affairs of the United States." He adds: "If he has, he will not lack in pretext for seeking a quarrel." The London Times publishes a letter from its New York correspondent, which indicates to England very plainly — and sensibly, for a wonder — that the United States will soon become "the greatest military and naval power in Christendom. " A British steamer freighted with a large quantity of gunpowder, intended for rebel uses, had sailed from Queenstown for the West ladies. Lord Brougham, in his inaugural address to the Social Science Congress in London, blamed all the evils of the war in America on the free exercise of democracy in our Government, asserting that it was a "tyrant of many heads," and that "in all ages the tendency of democratic rule has been to promote war.
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 14
r army of Richmond at one hundred and eighty thousand men, it cannot amount to less than one hundred and fifty thousand; that this army, though largely made up of conscripts, is a well disciplined and effective army, and has apparently unbounded confidence in the military skill and promises of Gen. Johnston; that the rebel soldiers still believe that the tide will be turned against Gen. McClellan, and that the war, on the part of the victorious South, will be carried across the Potomac into Maryland and the North. It appears, too, that the army of Johnston is constantly receiving reinforcements, and that he at least expects to hold our army in check until the impatience of England and France in reference to Southern cotton and tobacco, shall result in bringing those nations to the rescue. We have no doubt of the substantial truth of these statements, and we think they are entitled to the special attention of the Government. Yankee Congress. The proceedings of Congress presen
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
of the Abolitionists is to make the niggers fight — if they can. Miscellaneous. Mr. Pierre Soule, of New Orleans, arrested by order of Gen. Butler, and sent North as a prisoner of war, arrived in New York on the 18th in the Ocean Queen. Mr. S. is accompanied by M. Adolpho Mazureau, a distinguished New Orleans merchant, who is also a prisoner of war. They were provided with accommodations at the Astor House until Seward could be heard from. The steamer Island Bolle, while in James river, above City Point, was fired at a few days since by a rebel picket, the ball striking the pilot-house of the steamer, and going through a heavy iron plate with which it was lined. The pickets are becoming very annoying on the river. The Persia, which sailed Wednesday for Europe, only took out $733,220 in specie. Gold opened Thursday at $106, and closed at the same bid. Virginia C's sold Thursday at 56½@56 3/8. Gen. Wm. R. Palmer, Topographical Engineer, died in Washington on t
Mexico (Mexico) (search for this): article 14
army, and the official order of the United States Consul not to engage the services of any more French officers, it was not understood, and was consequently made a point of active canvass. The inference became prevalent that the new levy was required owing to the "ticklish relations" existing, or likely to soon exist, between France and the United States in consequence of Napoleon's policy and war in Mexico. The writer considers that this question has a very serious aspect, and that the "Mexican imbroglio will be the means of showing whether the Emperor has a disposition to interfere with the affairs of the United States." He adds: "If he has, he will not lack in pretext for seeking a quarrel." The London Times publishes a letter from its New York correspondent, which indicates to England very plainly — and sensibly, for a wonder — that the United States will soon become "the greatest military and naval power in Christendom. " A British steamer freighted with a large quan
Napoleon (Ohio, United States) (search for this): article 14
d "no little excitement" in political circles in that city. Coming close after the reports of the triumph of the Union army, and the official order of the United States Consul not to engage the services of any more French officers, it was not understood, and was consequently made a point of active canvass. The inference became prevalent that the new levy was required owing to the "ticklish relations" existing, or likely to soon exist, between France and the United States in consequence of Napoleon's policy and war in Mexico. The writer considers that this question has a very serious aspect, and that the "Mexican imbroglio will be the means of showing whether the Emperor has a disposition to interfere with the affairs of the United States." He adds: "If he has, he will not lack in pretext for seeking a quarrel." The London Times publishes a letter from its New York correspondent, which indicates to England very plainly — and sensibly, for a wonder — that the United States will s
Mount Jackson (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
rs of the 16th inst. It makes no comment, but says, "Our space is too limited to give the account in full. Upon its accuracy it is not necessary to say anything." We find the following allusion to affairs in the Valley: Nearly all Gen. Shield's command have arrived at Front Royal. From heavy firing heard in Gen. Fremont's camp on Saturday last, it was thought that a reconnoitering party of Jackson's army had come into collision with the rear guard of General Shields, opposite Mount Jackson. A view of affairs at Richmond. The same paper contains an "important statement" from a refugee, who had just arrived in New York from Richmond, and thus alludes to it editorially: We submit to our readers this morning, from an intelligent Union refugee just arrived from Richmond, a very interesting statement of his observations and opinions of the rebel Government and the rebel army in that quarter, of their movements and calculations, and of the ruling spirits and element
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