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pon the enemy at Front Royal is given to the 2d Virginia cavalry. Now, while the 2d is a gallant regiment, yet it is not entitled to the credit given it on this occasion. The charge was made by the 6th Virginia cavalry, commanded by Lieut. Col. Thos. S. Flournoy. After the enemy were driven from Front Royal the cavalry were ordered in pursuit, the 6th cavalry being in front. Four companies of the 6th overtook the enemy about three miles from Front Royal on the turnpike leading to Winchesterre by the enemy, it was difficult for the cavalry to cross the river, which accounts for so small a portion of the cavalry being in the fight. There were but four companies in the charge, which were--Capt. Dulany's company, Capt. Grimsley's, Capt. Flournoy's, and the lamented Capt. George Baxter's. Three other companies of the 6th came up in time to follow in the pursuit, viz: Capt. Richards's company. Capt. Throckmorton's, and Capt. Row's. The rout of the enemy was complete, and this charge o