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Monday McClellan 106 0 Browse Search
Richmond (Virginia, United States) 26 0 Browse Search
Fitz John Porter 26 2 Browse Search
City Point (Virginia, United States) 10 0 Browse Search
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) 8 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 7, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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June, 7 AD (search for this): article 1
Berkeley, from 12 to half past 1. Dense columns of smoke were seen arising. Subsequently the gunboat Monitor and another passed up above City Point, shelling the woods frequently as they progressed. The Tribune, of the 28th ult., has been received it states that the killed, wounded, and missing at the fight near Charleston was 688. Gen. Benham was placed under arrest for making the attack. He and his staff have reached New York. The fight caused a decline in stocks. Petersburg, July 6.--The Yankees have buried over 500 of their dead at Shirley, and left over 100 wounded, who fell into our hands. Our pickets now occupy Shirley. Nine more prisoners have been brought to Petersburg. They say that McClellan was in a strong position at Berkeley, that he has been reinforced by Shields's division, has 80 to 100,000 men, and will give battle. Balloons were sent up yesterday and to-day. The wagon train is still visible, and the tents of the enemy dot the country for mi
Monday McClellan (search for this): article 1
e gunboat Monitor and another passed up above City Point, shelling the woods frequently as they progressed. The Tribune, of the 28th ult., has been received it states that the killed, wounded, and missing at the fight near Charleston was 688. Gen. Benham was placed under arrest for making the attack. He and his staff have reached New York. The fight caused a decline in stocks. Petersburg, July 6.--The Yankees have buried over 500 of their dead at Shirley, and left over 100 wounded, who fell into our hands. Our pickets now occupy Shirley. Nine more prisoners have been brought to Petersburg. They say that McClellan was in a strong position at Berkeley, that he has been reinforced by Shields's division, has 80 to 100,000 men, and will give battle. Balloons were sent up yesterday and to-day. The wagon train is still visible, and the tents of the enemy dot the country for miles. A member of Sickles's brigade says that out of 5,000 men not more than 500 are left.
Shirley (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
fight near Charleston was 688. Gen. Benham was placed under arrest for making the attack. He and his staff have reached New York. The fight caused a decline in stocks. Petersburg, July 6.--The Yankees have buried over 500 of their dead at Shirley, and left over 100 wounded, who fell into our hands. Our pickets now occupy Shirley. Nine more prisoners have been brought to Petersburg. They say that McClellan was in a strong position at Berkeley, that he has been reinforced by Shiho fell into our hands. Our pickets now occupy Shirley. Nine more prisoners have been brought to Petersburg. They say that McClellan was in a strong position at Berkeley, that he has been reinforced by Shields's division, has 80 to 100,000 men, and will give battle. Balloons were sent up yesterday and to-day. The wagon train is still visible, and the tents of the enemy dot the country for miles. A member of Sickles's brigade says that out of 5,000 men not more than 500 are left.
Berkeley County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From the South-side. Petersburg, July 5. --Gentlemen from below counted eighty vessels of all kinds at and below Berkeley yesterday. The usual wagon train, a great number of tents, and supplies for 30,000 men, were congregated there. There was heavy cannonading yesterday, back of Berkeley, from 12 to half past 1. Dense columns of smoke were seen arising. Subsequently the gunboat Monitor and another passed up above City Point, shelling the woods frequently as they progressed. Thave buried over 500 of their dead at Shirley, and left over 100 wounded, who fell into our hands. Our pickets now occupy Shirley. Nine more prisoners have been brought to Petersburg. They say that McClellan was in a strong position at Berkeley, that he has been reinforced by Shields's division, has 80 to 100,000 men, and will give battle. Balloons were sent up yesterday and to-day. The wagon train is still visible, and the tents of the enemy dot the country for miles. A member of S
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From the South-side. Petersburg, July 5. --Gentlemen from below counted eighty vessels of all kinds at and below Berkeley yesterday. The usual wagon train, a great number of tents, and supplies for 30,000 men, were congregated there. There was heavy cannonading yesterday, back of Berkeley, from 12 to half past 1. Dense columns of smoke were seen arising. Subsequently the gunboat Monitor and another passed up above City Point, shelling the woods frequently as they progressed. The Tribune, of the 28th ult., has been received it states that the killed, wounded, and missing at the fight near Charleston was 688. Gen. Benham was placed under arrest for making the attack. He and his staff have reached New York. The fight caused a decline in stocks. Petersburg, July 6.--The Yankees have buried over 500 of their dead at Shirley, and left over 100 wounded, who fell into our hands. Our pickets now occupy Shirley. Nine more prisoners have been brought to Petersbu
D. H. Hill (search for this): article 1
One hundred dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, June 27, near Richmond, my negro boy Pendleton, about 19 or 20 years old; five feet six or seven inches high; very black; dressed rather military. A. H. Rogers, A. D. C. jy 7--6t* Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill.
June 27th (search for this): article 1
One hundred dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, June 27, near Richmond, my negro boy Pendleton, about 19 or 20 years old; five feet six or seven inches high; very black; dressed rather military. A. H. Rogers, A. D. C. jy 7--6t* Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill.
S. H. Pendleton (search for this): article 1
One hundred dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, June 27, near Richmond, my negro boy Pendleton, about 19 or 20 years old; five feet six or seven inches high; very black; dressed rather military. A. H. Rogers, A. D. C. jy 7--6t* Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill.
A. H. Rogers (search for this): article 1
One hundred dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, June 27, near Richmond, my negro boy Pendleton, about 19 or 20 years old; five feet six or seven inches high; very black; dressed rather military. A. H. Rogers, A. D. C. jy 7--6t* Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill.
Stonewall Jackson (search for this): article 10
he upper waters of James river about midday to-day, with dispatches from Flag-Officer Goldsborough, who immediately consulted with Gen. Dix. Their tenor is understood to be that Gen. McClellan's right was attacked with great impetuosity by Stonewall Jackson, whose men, with almost inconceivable courage, successfully charged our artillery, sustaining a loss in the exploit of probably not less than 5,000 men. Our loss was very severe. It was reported, that Jackson was killed; that one of our BrJackson was killed; that one of our Brigadier. Generals was taken prisoner, together with an entire regiment. General Fitz John Porter, sorely pressed, crossed to the right, or western side of the Chickahominy, the enemy taking the left. On his left McClellan, with much severe fighting, had penetrated and passed through White Oak Swamp, to a secure and advantageous position, and had subsequently cut through a line of communication with the James river. It is reported that, during the two days fighting, McClellan's loss was 10,0
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