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o gets his living by playing cards, is committed to the Parish. Prison till further orders. Anna Larue, his wife, having been found in the public streets, wearing a Confederate flag upon her person, in order to incite to riot, which act has already resulted in a breach of the peace and danger to the life of a soldier of the United States, is sent to Ship Island till further orders. She is to be kept separate and apart from the other women confined there. By order of Maj. Gen. Butler R. S. Davis, Captain and A. A. A. G. I understand that Provost Marshal French has issued the most stringent orders to the police, that they must find the man who attempted to murder the national soldier. Fortunately, the person occupying the store into which the scoundrel ran was, beyond question, innocent of any complicity with the affair, or his building would have been by the military authorities leveled to the ground. I hope that Lord John Russell, and other gallant English sympathize