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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 8, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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The attack on Baton Rouge.success of the Confederates. Mobile, Aug. 6th The Advertiserhas the following dispatch, dated Jackson, to-day. I am permitted by Gen. Van-Dorn to send you the following: One-Mile and a Half from Baton Rouge, August 5th, 1862. To General Van-Dora: Receiving a dispatch that the Arkansas would cooperate, I attacked Baton Rouge this morning at daylight, with less than 3,000 men. After a struggle of five hours, we drove the enemy from all points to theffective force of the enemy, exclusive of the mortar boats, is reported to us at 5,000 strong. John C. Breckinridge, Major General Commanding. It seems the Arkansas did not arrive to take part without land forces, as was intended, although she passed Bayon Sara, which is about 30 miles above Baton Rouge, at 12 o'clock Monday night. There were five gunboats at Baton Rouge. Orders have been received here to prepare for 300 wounded. Gen. Van-Dorn has removed his headquarters to this place.
Andrew Jackson (search for this): article 1
The attack on Baton Rouge.success of the Confederates. Mobile, Aug. 6th The Advertiserhas the following dispatch, dated Jackson, to-day. I am permitted by Gen. Van-Dorn to send you the following: One-Mile and a Half from Baton Rouge, August 5th, 1862. To General Van-Dora: Receiving a dispatch that the Arkansas would cooperate, I attacked Baton Rouge this morning at daylight, with less than 3,000 men. After a struggle of five hours, we drove the enemy from all points to the arsenal and lower, and to the cover of their gunboats, striking a number of prisoners, several flags and a considerable quantity of property. My diminished, exhausted force could not take the arsenal, and the troops almost perishing for water we have withdrawn one mile and a half from the city, but hope to resume the attack in half an hour. I think our loss has been as heavy as that of the enemy. Gen. Clarke is mortally wounded. Col. Hunt, of the 5th Kentucky, and Cola. Thompson and Alle
of five hours, we drove the enemy from all points to the arsenal and lower, and to the cover of their gunboats, striking a number of prisoners, several flags and a considerable quantity of property. My diminished, exhausted force could not take the arsenal, and the troops almost perishing for water we have withdrawn one mile and a half from the city, but hope to resume the attack in half an hour. I think our loss has been as heavy as that of the enemy. Gen. Clarke is mortally wounded. Col. Hunt, of the 5th Kentucky, and Cola. Thompson and Allen, of the 4th Louisiana, and others, severely wounded. The effective force of the enemy, exclusive of the mortar boats, is reported to us at 5,000 strong. John C. Breckinridge, Major General Commanding. It seems the Arkansas did not arrive to take part without land forces, as was intended, although she passed Bayon Sara, which is about 30 miles above Baton Rouge, at 12 o'clock Monday night. There were five gunboats at Baton Rouge. Ord
August 5th, 1862 AD (search for this): article 1
The attack on Baton Rouge.success of the Confederates. Mobile, Aug. 6th The Advertiserhas the following dispatch, dated Jackson, to-day. I am permitted by Gen. Van-Dorn to send you the following: One-Mile and a Half from Baton Rouge, August 5th, 1862. To General Van-Dora: Receiving a dispatch that the Arkansas would cooperate, I attacked Baton Rouge this morning at daylight, with less than 3,000 men. After a struggle of five hours, we drove the enemy from all points to the arsenal and lower, and to the cover of their gunboats, striking a number of prisoners, several flags and a considerable quantity of property. My diminished, exhausted force could not take the arsenal, and the troops almost perishing for water we have withdrawn one mile and a half from the city, but hope to resume the attack in half an hour. I think our loss has been as heavy as that of the enemy. Gen. Clarke is mortally wounded. Col. Hunt, of the 5th Kentucky, and Cola. Thompson and Alle
George W. Thompson (search for this): article 1
l points to the arsenal and lower, and to the cover of their gunboats, striking a number of prisoners, several flags and a considerable quantity of property. My diminished, exhausted force could not take the arsenal, and the troops almost perishing for water we have withdrawn one mile and a half from the city, but hope to resume the attack in half an hour. I think our loss has been as heavy as that of the enemy. Gen. Clarke is mortally wounded. Col. Hunt, of the 5th Kentucky, and Cola. Thompson and Allen, of the 4th Louisiana, and others, severely wounded. The effective force of the enemy, exclusive of the mortar boats, is reported to us at 5,000 strong. John C. Breckinridge, Major General Commanding. It seems the Arkansas did not arrive to take part without land forces, as was intended, although she passed Bayon Sara, which is about 30 miles above Baton Rouge, at 12 o'clock Monday night. There were five gunboats at Baton Rouge. Orders have been received here to prepare for
e attack on Baton Rouge.success of the Confederates. Mobile, Aug. 6th The Advertiserhas the following dispatch, dated Jackson, to-day. I am permitted by Gen. Van-Dorn to send you the following: One-Mile and a Half from Baton Rouge, August 5th, 1862. To General Van-Dora: Receiving a dispatch that the Arkansas General Van-Dora: Receiving a dispatch that the Arkansas would cooperate, I attacked Baton Rouge this morning at daylight, with less than 3,000 men. After a struggle of five hours, we drove the enemy from all points to the arsenal and lower, and to the cover of their gunboats, striking a number of prisoners, several flags and a considerable quantity of property. My diminished, exhaustedas did not arrive to take part without land forces, as was intended, although she passed Bayon Sara, which is about 30 miles above Baton Rouge, at 12 o'clock Monday night. There were five gunboats at Baton Rouge. Orders have been received here to prepare for 300 wounded. Gen. Van-Dorn has removed his headquarters to this place.
June, 8 AD (search for this): article 1
The attack on Baton Rouge.success of the Confederates. Mobile, Aug. 6th The Advertiserhas the following dispatch, dated Jackson, to-day. I am permitted by Gen. Van-Dorn to send you the following: One-Mile and a Half from Baton Rouge, August 5th, 1862. To General Van-Dora: Receiving a dispatch that the Arkansas would cooperate, I attacked Baton Rouge this morning at daylight, with less than 3,000 men. After a struggle of five hours, we drove the enemy from all points to the arsenal and lower, and to the cover of their gunboats, striking a number of prisoners, several flags and a considerable quantity of property. My diminished, exhausted force could not take the arsenal, and the troops almost perishing for water we have withdrawn one mile and a half from the city, but hope to resume the attack in half an hour. I think our loss has been as heavy as that of the enemy. Gen. Clarke is mortally wounded. Col. Hunt, of the 5th Kentucky, and Cola. Thompson and Allen
For hire. --I have for hire, or to let our for their feed, several Women, with children. au 8--3t* N.M. Lee
Two hundred Dollars reward. --I have an excellent Cooper whom I wish to hire out by the month. Apply at the office of the Commissary General to au 7--3t* Capt. John S. Hayes
John S. Hayes (search for this): article 1
Two hundred Dollars reward. --I have an excellent Cooper whom I wish to hire out by the month. Apply at the office of the Commissary General to au 7--3t* Capt. John S. Hayes
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