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The Daily Dispatch: August 13, 1862., [Electronic resource], The fight at Southwest mountain further particulars. (search)
steamer Adirondack, has informed the Navy Department of the facts attending the recent pursuit by him, of the steamer Herald, represented by the Nassau press to be a British vessel, this pretence affording an opportunity for the expression of indignation against the alleged outrage by the American officer. By his statement, it appears that the Herald had been running from Nassau to Charleston with warlike supplies, and was returning to Nassau with cotton. She was commanded by a man named Coxetter, who was formerly Captain of the pirate Jeff, Davis. The statement additionally confirms the statement that the British flag is systematically used to advance Secession interests.--The chase of the Herald was not continued within the British jurisdiction. Norfolk, Portsmouth and Suffolk. We published yesterday morning some extracts from a letter in the Philadelphia Inquirer, from its Norfolk correspondent, under date of the 5th inst. The following additional paragraphs we copy fro