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Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 10
sation for the labor of said negroes, on the one hand, and the Confederate States their services on the other, during this momentous crisis. Mr. Boyston, of Arkansas, presented a bill to be entitled "An act for the support of the families of certain soldiers, and widows whose sons are soldiers in the army of the Confederate States." Referred to the Military Committee. Mr. Batson, of Arkansas, introduced an act to provide for the pay of certain volunteer troops in the State of Arkansas. Referred. Mr. Gartrell, of Georgia, offered a resolution that it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire and report to this House what legiState of Arkansas. Referred. Mr. Gartrell, of Georgia, offered a resolution that it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire and report to this House what legislation, if any, may be necessary to authorize the Government of the Confederate States to take control, during the war, of the various establishments within the limits of said Confederate States engaged in the manufacture of woolen and cotton goods, and so to regulate the prices of such goods as to enable the soldiers to clothe th
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 10
are soldiers in the army of the Confederate States." Referred to the Military Committee. Mr. Batson, of Arkansas, introduced an act to provide for the pay of certain volunteer troops in the State of Arkansas. Referred. Mr. Gartrell, of Georgia, offered a resolution that it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire and report to this House what legislation, if any, may be necessary to authorize the Government of the Confederate States to take control, during the war, ates engaged in the manufacture of woolen and cotton goods, and so to regulate the prices of such goods as to enable the soldiers to clothe themselves and families at reasonable rates. Referred to the Military Committee. Mr. Hartridge, of Georgia, offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Committee on Foreign Affairs be instructed to inquire into the propriety of requesting the President of the Confederate States to recall the Commissioners sent by this Government to cer
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): article 10
lt may be so regulated as to secure a more general distribution thereof, and at such rates as the people are able to pay. Agreed to. Mr. E. M. Bruce, of Ky., presented a bill entitled an act to provide for the raising of troops in Kentucky. Referred to Military Committee. Mr. Perkins, of La., offered a resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the propriety of so amending the Conscript law as to rest in the Commanding General west of the Mississippi river the power of relieving particular localities from its operation, when in his judgment the military protection of any region or district will be best promoted by specially detailing the subjects of that act in such region or district for home defences. Referred to Military Committee. Also, a resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to take into immediate consideration, and report upon, the propriety of completing the railroad connection between Monroe and Shreve
United States (United States) (search for this): article 10
call out and place in the service of the Confederate States, during the war, all the male negroes who are resident or owned in the Confederate States, between the ages of twenty and thirty years, at tf said negroes, on the one hand, and the Confederate States their services on the other, during thisssary to authorize the Government of the Confederate States to take control, during the war, of the riety of requesting the President of the Confederate States to recall the Commissioners sent by thisnd are accredited to the Government of the United States, that such persons will not be recognized by the Government of the Confederate States as exercising any of the powers or having any of the funions of Consuls within the limits of the Confederate States, unless appointed by their respective Governments as Consuls to the Confederate States. Mr. Clarke, of Ga, presented a bill entitled an1860, in those States which now form the Confederate States. Referred to Judiciary Committee. Also[7 more...]
Shreveport (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 10
i river the power of relieving particular localities from its operation, when in his judgment the military protection of any region or district will be best promoted by specially detailing the subjects of that act in such region or district for home defences. Referred to Military Committee. Also, a resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to take into immediate consideration, and report upon, the propriety of completing the railroad connection between Monroe and Shreveport, La., Agreed to. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss., introduced a bill to repeal an act in relation to the habeas corpus. Mr. Garrett offered a resolution to refer the bill to the Judiciary Committee, with instructions to inquire what is the law established in various paris of this Confederacy under the name of "martial law," and how far such law is authorized by the statute authorizing the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases; and that the committee report what legislatio
er such legal limitations and restrictions as should secure the owner of the property a just and reasonable compensation for the labor of said negroes, on the one hand, and the Confederate States their services on the other, during this momentous crisis. Mr. Boyston, of Arkansas, presented a bill to be entitled "An act for the support of the families of certain soldiers, and widows whose sons are soldiers in the army of the Confederate States." Referred to the Military Committee. Mr. Batson, of Arkansas, introduced an act to provide for the pay of certain volunteer troops in the State of Arkansas. Referred. Mr. Gartrell, of Georgia, offered a resolution that it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire and report to this House what legislation, if any, may be necessary to authorize the Government of the Confederate States to take control, during the war, of the various establishments within the limits of said Confederate States engaged in the manufacture
House of Representatives. Tuesday, Aug. 26, 1862. The House met at 12 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Sexley, Journal of yesterday read. Mr. Curry, of Ala., presented a petition for the exemption of tanners from the operations of the Conscript act; which, without reading, was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Foster offered a resolution to instruct the Military Committee to inquire into the expediency of exempting millers from conscription. Agreed to. Also, the following: Resolved, by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the Military Committee be requested to inquire, and report to this House at a day as early as practicable, as to the expediency and policy of authorizing the President to call out and place in the service of the Confederate States, during the war, all the male negroes who are resident or owned in the Confederate States, between the ages of twenty and thirty years, at the time the saidecal
to the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire and report to this House what legislation, if any, may be necessary to authorize the Government of the Confederate States to take control of the various salt works within the limits of said Confederate States, or make such arrangements with the owners of said salt works, in order that the price of salt may be so regulated as to secure a more general distribution thereof, and at such rates as the people are able to pay. Agreed to. Mr. E. M. Bruce, of Ky., presented a bill entitled an act to provide for the raising of troops in Kentucky. Referred to Military Committee. Mr. Perkins, of La., offered a resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the propriety of so amending the Conscript law as to rest in the Commanding General west of the Mississippi river the power of relieving particular localities from its operation, when in his judgment the military protection of any region or district will
he Judiciary, with instructions to report a bill clearly defining under what circumstances the writ of habeas corpus may be suspended by the President; and under what circumstances he may declare martial law, and providing for the punishment of all who may presume to declare martial law without authority from the President. The vote was taken on this latter proposition, and it was rejected. The resolution of Mr. Garnett then came up, and, on the vote being taken, it was adopted, by yeas 47, nays 21. The Chair laid before the House a communication from the President, submitting two reports from the Secretary of the Treasury--one requesting an appropriation of $2,000 to defray the expenses of printing the proceedings of the Provisional Congress; the other, in relation to the evils arising from the introduction of counterfeit notes by the enemy in sections of the Confederacy invaded by them, Both were appropriately referred. On motion of Mr. Foote, the House adjourned.
n or district will be best promoted by specially detailing the subjects of that act in such region or district for home defences. Referred to Military Committee. Also, a resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to take into immediate consideration, and report upon, the propriety of completing the railroad connection between Monroe and Shreveport, La., Agreed to. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss., introduced a bill to repeal an act in relation to the habeas corpus. Mr. Garrett offered a resolution to refer the bill to the Judiciary Committee, with instructions to inquire what is the law established in various paris of this Confederacy under the name of "martial law," and how far such law is authorized by the statute authorizing the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases; and that the committee report what legislation is necessary to define "martial law," and to protect the constitutional rights of the citizens, and at the same time give to the
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