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The Daily Dispatch: September 9, 1862., [Electronic resource], Our army in Maryland--particulars of the passage of the Potomac. (search)
ched in the direction of the upper Potomac. At nightfall Gen. Robertson drew off his force and followed the Army Early the next morning his brigade crossed the river at--,some distance below Leesburg. At or near the same time, the division of Gen. Hill commenced crossing at another point. Later in the day, the veteran corps of Gen. Jackson reached--,and at once proceeded in pass over, and before night the passage had been successfully effected. Gen. Longstreet's corps followed and during thin Marks, Capt. Owens, and Lieut. May, wounded.--The casualties in the regiment, which numbered in the fight about 220, were 7 --a pretty large percentage. George Nicholas and Marx Myers were killed. Sergeant Heth, A. K. Crump, James Grame, George W. Hill, James Hollingsworth, A. P. Rogers, Bolling Pickett, and Tom Williams, wounded. The wounds are mostly slight. I think Crump's is probably the worst. He is wounded in the knee. The surgeons say that the bone is not broken, and he will not
the fact that Virginia had twenty-seven in the field, while Alabama had but five, three of whom only were really from Alabama. Gens. Rhodes and Ledbetter were appointed from Alabama, but were not in fact from that State. Alabama had sent sixty full regiments to the field, about one hundred companies, and various battalions. He thought it due to the valor of the troops, and to the States themselves that such a system were adopted. The bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Hill, of Ga., introduced a bill changing the time of the assembling of the next regular session of Congress, from the 1st Monday in December to Wednesday, the 18th of February next. Also, a resolution that Congress shall adjourn on Monday, the 22d of September, which was laid over until to-morrow. Mr. Orr offered a resolution, which was adopted, that the Committee on Military Affairs inquire into the particulars of reported executions of Confederate soldiers by Gen. Bragg. Mr. Spa