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Maryland (Maryland, United States) 54 0 Browse Search
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Frederick (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 2
ies of the State, namely; Frederick and Washington, which together with Carroll and Allegheny, are well known to contain nearly the whole of the Union or Black Republican population to be found in Maryland. And yet I will say that even in the two counties first above mention there will be a decided majority cast in favor of the South whenever reasonable time for organisation and a free ballot box shall be secured to the people. I was born and have lived the greater part of my life in Frederick county, and can speak advisedly on this subject. Now sir, please look at the map of Maryland, consider well the circumstances above briefly alluded to, and say it was possible for Baltimore to respond to the proclamation of General Lee, or the eight counties of the Eastern Shore, directed from the western throughout their entire length by the Chesapeake Bay, or the counties of St. Mary's, Charles, Prince George's. Calvest. Anne Atundel, Howard, and Montgomery all within striking distanc
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 2
on of things our army suddenly appears in a portion of the State, and as quickly Sorely, sir, no reasonable man could expose an uprising of the people of Maryland under such circumstances. Shall we apply to Maryland a less lenient test of loyalty than to New Orleans or Norfolk or the many towns and district of the South which have fallen under Federal dominion? Shall we judge Frederick and Washington counties more severally that, we do the many dis ted counties of Virginia. Kentucky, Tennessee, and other States even further Souther; we condemn loyal state because it contains loyal ity? No just or prudent man will pay us. I think I have already said enough to VI my unfortunate State. There is, however, Another important view to be considered. It was impossible for the people of Maryland to know whether the entrance of the army was intended to be a mere told or a substantial occupation for their relief. Gen. Lee's proclamation was intended to assure them of the latter, but
Boonsboro (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 2
ops. When General Lee was in Frederick he was forty-five miles from the city of Baltimore — a city surrounded by Federal bayonets, jealously guarded by an armed Federal police, and lying in the shadow of Fort McHenry and of two powered fortifications located within the limits of the corporation. The advance of the army reached Frederick on Saturday, and on the Wednesday following the army moved off towards Hagerstown and became engaged in the movement of Harper's Ferry and the battles of Boonesboro' and Sharpsburg, after which it immediately returned to Virginia, where it now is. Thus the fact simply is, that the army made a hasty passage through one of the remote counties of the State, namely; Frederick and Washington, which together with Carroll and Allegheny, are well known to contain nearly the whole of the Union or Black Republican population to be found in Maryland. And yet I will say that even in the two counties first above mention there will be a decided majority cast in f
United States (United States) (search for this): article 2
tunity of deciding their political destiny it is ally necessary that there should be no misunderstanding of prejudgment. If the present be lost, it may never again be recovered. It becomes a wise people and the statesmen who control their inter to avoid hasty In my letter to the Legislature of Virginia, last winter I gave the ma assurance th the people of Maryland should, by an overwhelming majority unite with their brethren of the South in establishing the independence of the Confederate States, if the chains were stricken from their limits end arms placed in their hands. The experience of every day since has only confirmed this opinion. I am therefore distressed and troubled by the manifestation of dissatisfaction at the supposed unfavorable reception of the army by our people. I think I shall be able to show that such a complaint is unfounded and unreasonable. It is well known in Richmond (outside, at least, of official circles,) that the advance of the army into Maryla
Westmoreland County (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 2
e limits of the corporation. The advance of the army reached Frederick on Saturday, and on the Wednesday following the army moved off towards Hagerstown and became engaged in the movement of Harper's Ferry and the battles of Boonesboro' and Sharpsburg, after which it immediately returned to Virginia, where it now is. Thus the fact simply is, that the army made a hasty passage through one of the remote counties of the State, namely; Frederick and Washington, which together with Carroll and Allegheny, are well known to contain nearly the whole of the Union or Black Republican population to be found in Maryland. And yet I will say that even in the two counties first above mention there will be a decided majority cast in favor of the South whenever reasonable time for organisation and a free ballot box shall be secured to the people. I was born and have lived the greater part of my life in Frederick county, and can speak advisedly on this subject. Now sir, please look at the map
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 2
-Chief of the army addressed to the people of Maryland has formally announced its determination to al circles,) that the advance of the army into Maryland took every one by surprise. All supposed thaays in two of the extreme western counties of Maryland, during which he captured a large and splendi promise of his proclamation to the people of Maryland. The people of Maryland had no notice ofor Black Republican population to be found in Maryland. And yet I will say that even in the two coeach of support. Consider that the people of Maryland never and arms or ammunition — that for fifteman could expose an uprising of the people of Maryland under such circumstances. Shall we apply to sidered. It was impossible for the people of Maryland to know whether the entrance of the army was ution of 1776. I can entertain no doubt that Maryland would be as willing to submit to such an ordey God. I hope that the press friendly to Maryland will publish this feeble but heart appeal fo[5 more...]
Harford (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 2
map of Maryland, consider well the circumstances above briefly alluded to, and say it was possible for Baltimore to respond to the proclamation of General Lee, or the eight counties of the Eastern Shore, directed from the western throughout their entire length by the Chesapeake Bay, or the counties of St. Mary's, Charles, Prince George's. Calvest. Anne Atundel, Howard, and Montgomery all within striking distance of Washington city, with McClellan's army advance to Poohville or Salti e or Harford counties, within the Federal lines, and beyond the reach of support. Consider that the people of Maryland never and arms or ammunition — that for fifteen months their houses have been searched, and their private arms taken from them — that they have not been permitted to hold meetings, public or private — that they have been completely isolated, and constantly subjected to the most religions, public or private — that no effort at conversation could possibly be made — that in this con o
Washington (United States) (search for this): article 2
can speak advisedly on this subject. Now sir, please look at the map of Maryland, consider well the circumstances above briefly alluded to, and say it was possible for Baltimore to respond to the proclamation of General Lee, or the eight counties of the Eastern Shore, directed from the western throughout their entire length by the Chesapeake Bay, or the counties of St. Mary's, Charles, Prince George's. Calvest. Anne Atundel, Howard, and Montgomery all within striking distance of Washington city, with McClellan's army advance to Poohville or Salti e or Harford counties, within the Federal lines, and beyond the reach of support. Consider that the people of Maryland never and arms or ammunition — that for fifteen months their houses have been searched, and their private arms taken from them — that they have not been permitted to hold meetings, public or private — that they have been completely isolated, and constantly subjected to the most religions, public or private — that n
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
able commander immediately afterwards recrossed his army to the south bank of the Potomac, after having spent but a few days in two of the extreme western counties of Maryland, during which he captured a large and splendidly equipped army at Harper's Ferry, and rained a brilliant victory over the main body of the enemy at Sharpsburg. I only participate in the universal hope and belief of the people that the of the commander and the unbroken spirit of his troops will soon fulfill the promise oand of two powered fortifications located within the limits of the corporation. The advance of the army reached Frederick on Saturday, and on the Wednesday following the army moved off towards Hagerstown and became engaged in the movement of Harper's Ferry and the battles of Boonesboro' and Sharpsburg, after which it immediately returned to Virginia, where it now is. Thus the fact simply is, that the army made a hasty passage through one of the remote counties of the State, namely; Frederick an
Charles county (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 2
all be secured to the people. I was born and have lived the greater part of my life in Frederick county, and can speak advisedly on this subject. Now sir, please look at the map of Maryland, consider well the circumstances above briefly alluded to, and say it was possible for Baltimore to respond to the proclamation of General Lee, or the eight counties of the Eastern Shore, directed from the western throughout their entire length by the Chesapeake Bay, or the counties of St. Mary's, Charles, Prince George's. Calvest. Anne Atundel, Howard, and Montgomery all within striking distance of Washington city, with McClellan's army advance to Poohville or Salti e or Harford counties, within the Federal lines, and beyond the reach of support. Consider that the people of Maryland never and arms or ammunition — that for fifteen months their houses have been searched, and their private arms taken from them — that they have not been permitted to hold meetings, public or private — that th<
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