Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 3, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jones or search for Jones in all documents.

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oned. Mr. Kenner then reported a bill from the Committee of Ways and Means, making appropriations for the expenses of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Departments of the Government for the month of December, 1862. On motion of Mr. Jones, of Tenn., the bill was referred to the Committee of the whole House and ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Garnett, the bill was made the special order for the morning hour to-morrow. The House then resolved itself into-Committee then resolved itself into-Committee of the Whole, (Mr. Heiskell, of Tenn., in the chair.) and resumed the consideration of the bill reported from the Committee of Ways and Means, entitled "an act to raise revenue." Mr. Kenner, being entitled in the floor, proceeded to restate the position which he had previously occupied, and to explain the as length. The bill was also described by Messrs. Bruce, Jones, and Foote, but up to the hour of adjournment no final action was sad upon it.
My Most hearty and sincere thanks are tendered Mrs. E. Winston, Mrs. A. N. Morris, Mrs. Sacra, Mrs. Day, Mrs. Stringfellow, Mrs. E. E. Cook, Mrs. Jones, and others of the Vicinity of Hanover Institute, for their kind, generous and heroic conduct, towards the sick soldiers, since the establishment of a Division Hospital in their neighborhood. Too much cannot be said for those noble daughters of Virginia. May they long live to enjoy the freedom for which we are so strongly contending. Very respectfully, Wm. W. Tribbett, [*] Hospital Steward.