Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 3, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for George D. Prentice or search for George D. Prentice in all documents.

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ng one hundred and twenty men, took refuge in houses and fired from windows, killing and wounding ninety of the rebels, Among the killed were three Captains, one of them a younger brother of John Morgan. Among the mortally wounded was Lieutenant-Colonel Prentice, a son of George D. Prentice, editor and proprietor of the Louisville Journal. The rebels were so exasperated at their loss that they set fire to the houses in the place, and two squares of the town were burned. Our loss was nineGeorge D. Prentice, editor and proprietor of the Louisville Journal. The rebels were so exasperated at their loss that they set fire to the houses in the place, and two squares of the town were burned. Our loss was nine killed and fifteen wounded. The balance of our forces were taken prisoners. Subsequently, a Union force from Mayville intercepted and attacked the rebels, when they fled in a perfect panic. The result of the pursuit has not yet been learned. New York money Market. The New York Herald, of the 30th, says: Yesterday was another very active and exciting day in Wall street. The speculative fever seems to be decidedly on the increase among the public. The brokers' offices are t