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The Daily Dispatch: October 15, 1862., [Electronic resource], The European Press on American Affairs. (search)
w chances of rewards worth having. The South, aristocratic by temper and by social constitution, however democratic in politics, had the military spirit which always distinguishes an aristocracy. Many of the ablest and most promising of the Southern youth, therefore, adopted from time to time the career of arms; and their country now enjoys the benefit of their professional training and practical experience. Lee, Beauregard, the two Johnston's, the brilliant Stonewall Jackson, and President Davis himself, were all professional soldiers as well as men of distinguished capacity. The North, which always thought its worst men good enough, and its best far too good for the army has no men to oppose to these; not because the Northerners have not among them, for aught we know, men of whom equally good officers might have been made, but because such men naturally turned away from an unpopular and unprofitable career to seek profit in trade, or fame at the bar, or in politics; and it is