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Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 13
$5 belonged to him. The Mayor sent him to the Provost Marshal. Daniel Euffin, the negro charged with the larceny of Beverly Robinson's coat, and Tom Wright's gold ring, was proved guilty of sequestering an article of the latter description, belonging to a white man, accidentally left in a bath tub of which Dan had the charge, and he was ordered twenty lashes. The charge about stealing the coat was not susceptible of proof and was dismissed. Henry M Myers, who claims to hall from Maryland but really came from Louisiana, was required to answer for stealing a pair of gaiters, worth $15, from the store of J. B. Owens, 13th street, between Main and Cary. In proof it was said that Myers came into the store inquiring for a pair of boots, and said he was willing to pay any price for them. While he retired to the rear of the store, anxiously looking out for the desired article, a number of suspicious characters, who Mr. Owens testified were his daily companions, entered the front p
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 13
Proceedings in the Courts. Mayor's Court, October 15th. --Margaret Sullivan, a white female, was called to answer the charge of getting drunk on Tuesday, and while in the vicinity of the Old Market, and in hearing of Officer Baptist, using language shocking for its grossness and profanity. Mrs. Sullivan attempted to excuse herself by saying it was only a little bit of jollification she had indulged in prior to a trip she proposed making to North Carolina the next day. She begged to be excused this time. The Mayor said he knew the Sullivan family, and could not be caught by any such dodge. The lady was constrained to visit the jail under the pressure occasioned by her failure to give bond to keep the peace. William Smith was required to answer for occasioning a disturbance at the corner of 12th and Main street Tuesday night, by exploding three barrels of an Allen's pepper-box revolving pistols and resisting the watchmen who arrested him Smith offered the excuse that he
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 13
sent him to the Provost Marshal. Daniel Euffin, the negro charged with the larceny of Beverly Robinson's coat, and Tom Wright's gold ring, was proved guilty of sequestering an article of the latter description, belonging to a white man, accidentally left in a bath tub of which Dan had the charge, and he was ordered twenty lashes. The charge about stealing the coat was not susceptible of proof and was dismissed. Henry M Myers, who claims to hall from Maryland but really came from Louisiana, was required to answer for stealing a pair of gaiters, worth $15, from the store of J. B. Owens, 13th street, between Main and Cary. In proof it was said that Myers came into the store inquiring for a pair of boots, and said he was willing to pay any price for them. While he retired to the rear of the store, anxiously looking out for the desired article, a number of suspicious characters, who Mr. Owens testified were his daily companions, entered the front part of the store, and one of t
Linden, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 13
ts, was brought up to answer the charge of robbing Wm. Linden, a soldier, of $260 in notes at his own house By the testimony of Linden it appeared that he had just arrived in the city from Winchester, Tuesday, when Conner met him at the market, (having previously seen him show another man his money,) shook him warmly by the hand, professed a former acquaintanceship with Linden, which the latter denied, saying "you have the advantage of me" then spoke of Father O'Connell, a favorite priest of Linden's which established Conner in his good graces; the latter invited him to his house. While there owing to the kindness of the stranger, felt quite at home, and took out his money, ($270) got a $10 bill from the pile, paid for two drinks, put the $260 in his jacket pocket pinned the pocket up, but on the suggestion of Conner, that seeing the pin persons would surely imagine he had money, and make an effort to get it he took out the pin, and laid down on the sofa had laid there perhaps three m
Edward S. Gentry (search for this): article 13
be tried before Judge Lyons. James H. Tremier was examined for stealing, taking and carrying away, on the 6th of October, divers paper writings, of the value of $30, belonging to Andrew J. Taylor, and was acquitted and discharged. Edward S. Gentry, on appeal from judgment of the Mayor, sentencing Gentry as a free negro to lashes, for heating Peter Campbell, a free negro, recognizance entered into for appearance of defendant at the next term. A rule was awarded va. Charles Ellis tGentry as a free negro to lashes, for heating Peter Campbell, a free negro, recognizance entered into for appearance of defendant at the next term. A rule was awarded va. Charles Ellis to show cause why he should not be fined for allowing his slave to go at large. C. S. District Court--Judge Halyburton's Court was in session yesterday. The Grand Jury were sword, and made a number of presentments, amongst which are the following: One presentment against J. Tozier for counterfeiting a $5 C. S. note; one presentment against same for same offence; one presentment against same for counterfeiting a $20 C. S. note; three presentments against Wm. Wright for counterfeiting a
he Mayor, sentencing Gentry as a free negro to lashes, for heating Peter Campbell, a free negro, recognizance entered into for appearance of defendant at the next term. A rule was awarded va. Charles Ellis to show cause why he should not be fined for allowing his slave to go at large. C. S. District Court--Judge Halyburton's Court was in session yesterday. The Grand Jury were sword, and made a number of presentments, amongst which are the following: One presentment against J. Tozier for counterfeiting a $5 C. S. note; one presentment against same for same offence; one presentment against same for counterfeiting a $20 C. S. note; three presentments against Wm. Wright for counterfeiting and passing $10 C. S. notes, [the prisoner is a Yankee;] one presentment against Samuel Campbell for counterfeiting and passing a $5 C. S. Treasury note; six presentments against Squier, slave of J. A. Dudley, for passing Yankee counterfeits of the C. S. Treasury to the amount of $90; on
John A. Whitman (search for this): article 13
n in the State. Ordered that the Court assemble to-morrow to hear the same. The Court reversed the judgment of the Recorder Va Clinton James, a free man of color, sentencing him to 39 lashes, and ordered that he shall receive 25 lashes. A nolle prosequi was entered in the case of Samuel Connors, indicted for misdemeanor. Nathaniel Walters, a free negro charged with grand larceny, was ordered to be discharged from custody, the Prosecuting Attorney consenting thereto. John A. Whitman, who stands charged with forging, on the 22d of September, a Treasury note of the Commonwealth of Virginia for one dollar, numbered 26,922, was led to the bar, and after an examination was sent on for trial before the Judge of the Hustings Court. John Malcy, who stands charged with having on the 20th of September, stolen $290, belonging to John Welch, was examined and sent on to be tried before Judge Lyons. James H. Tremier was examined for stealing, taking and carrying away,
Andrew J. Taylor (search for this): article 13
he Commonwealth of Virginia for one dollar, numbered 26,922, was led to the bar, and after an examination was sent on for trial before the Judge of the Hustings Court. John Malcy, who stands charged with having on the 20th of September, stolen $290, belonging to John Welch, was examined and sent on to be tried before Judge Lyons. James H. Tremier was examined for stealing, taking and carrying away, on the 6th of October, divers paper writings, of the value of $30, belonging to Andrew J. Taylor, and was acquitted and discharged. Edward S. Gentry, on appeal from judgment of the Mayor, sentencing Gentry as a free negro to lashes, for heating Peter Campbell, a free negro, recognizance entered into for appearance of defendant at the next term. A rule was awarded va. Charles Ellis to show cause why he should not be fined for allowing his slave to go at large. C. S. District Court--Judge Halyburton's Court was in session yesterday. The Grand Jury were sword, and made
Beverly Robinson (search for this): article 13
m Wm. Knowbert, at Steinlein's, Broad street, Tuesday, was set to the bar when the officer who made the arrest to aided that the note and some papers found on the prisoner at the time were claimed by Knowbert. The latter did not appear. The officer said both were very drunk at the time, and both were patients at Chimborazo Hospital.--The defendant protested that the $5 belonged to him. The Mayor sent him to the Provost Marshal. Daniel Euffin, the negro charged with the larceny of Beverly Robinson's coat, and Tom Wright's gold ring, was proved guilty of sequestering an article of the latter description, belonging to a white man, accidentally left in a bath tub of which Dan had the charge, and he was ordered twenty lashes. The charge about stealing the coat was not susceptible of proof and was dismissed. Henry M Myers, who claims to hall from Maryland but really came from Louisiana, was required to answer for stealing a pair of gaiters, worth $15, from the store of J. B. Owe
John Malcy (search for this): article 13
as entered in the case of Samuel Connors, indicted for misdemeanor. Nathaniel Walters, a free negro charged with grand larceny, was ordered to be discharged from custody, the Prosecuting Attorney consenting thereto. John A. Whitman, who stands charged with forging, on the 22d of September, a Treasury note of the Commonwealth of Virginia for one dollar, numbered 26,922, was led to the bar, and after an examination was sent on for trial before the Judge of the Hustings Court. John Malcy, who stands charged with having on the 20th of September, stolen $290, belonging to John Welch, was examined and sent on to be tried before Judge Lyons. James H. Tremier was examined for stealing, taking and carrying away, on the 6th of October, divers paper writings, of the value of $30, belonging to Andrew J. Taylor, and was acquitted and discharged. Edward S. Gentry, on appeal from judgment of the Mayor, sentencing Gentry as a free negro to lashes, for heating Peter Campbell,
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