Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William Johnston or search for William Johnston in all documents.

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doubt to be in the hands of all the Quartermaster.--There are some of them who will notice the worst from the information it imparts. They can have no excuse for irregularities and neglect with such a guide as this their hands. Published by Wm. Johnston. "War; A Poem with Copious Notice founded on the Revolution of 1861-62 (up to the battles before Richmond inclusive) By John H. H Witt. Published by West & Johnston. We have not had time to examine this production but the reputation of H Witt. Published by West & Johnston. We have not had time to examine this production but the reputation of the author and the profound interest of the subject will no doubt give it a wide circulation. "Cary's Bayonet Exercise and Skirmisher's Drill." This is from the present the same publishers, and in a valuable contribution to the military literature of the country. The handsome style in which their publications are executed enhances the great reputation of the Richmond publishers.