Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samuel C. Tardy or search for Samuel C. Tardy in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1862., [Electronic resource], Address of a member of Parliament on recognition. (search)
arance. The case against John Nelson was partially examined and continued until Friday. The proof against this party was not very clear. The Mayor said he had let Nelson out of jail on the 24th Nov., on condition that he would join the army. Nelson said he had done so, but the fact did not appear by uniform or otherwise. George W. Winston, charged with assaulting James A Carter, in the First Market House, Tuesday evening, was examined and discharged. Margaret, slave of Samuel C. Tardy, was arraigned for attempting to murder her master's infant child on Monday Phillips and Dr. Deane being sworn, testified to finding the child in convulsions blood running from its mouth, and spots of the same substance on its garments which Margaret had attempted to wash off a to finding bruises on its head and face in various places, which could only have been caused by a firm, but not sudden pressure on the parts affected. Margaret said the child had fallen down and afterwards was