Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 8, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samuel C. Tardy or search for Samuel C. Tardy in all documents.

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$100, in his possession, supposed to have been stolen, was acquitted of the larceny, but committed as a slave going at large contrary to law. The brandy was detained at the Mayor's office for reclamation by its owner. Margaret, slave of Samuel C. Tardy, was committed for trial before the Hustings Court, on the cath of Surgeon Dinwiddie P. Phillips, for maliciously, and of malice aforethought, attempting to kill and murder Francis Deane Tardy, infant child of said Samuel C. Tardy. The Samuel C. Tardy. The case of Patrick Drewry, charged with feloniously standing $350 in C. S. Treasury notes from Dennis Learn was heard, and continued until the 8th inst. Solo slave of Joseph Millyard, found by the watch Friday night with a lot of number, supposed to have been stolen, was ordered twenty-five lashes. Edmond, slave of R. ,Bossieux, was ordered to be licked for going without his pass. Jno. H. Bowler was fined five dollars, because his son had engaged in a rock battle contrary to law.