Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. R. Graves or search for J. R. Graves in all documents.

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Released. --The Rev. J. R. Graves, of North Carolina. arressed by Capt. Maccubbin of the Provost Marshal's office, a few weeks since, on charges of distoyalty, and since confined in castle. Thunder, in this city, has been released by the military authorities and permitted to return Home. When Graves was arrested, which wasGraves was arrested, which was done soon after his return from the North and the publication by him of his "experiende" while there, Gev. Vanes was notified of the fact, and ordered the Mayor of Miton to detain both Capt. Macsubbin and his prisoner on their passege through. The officer, by a forced march, anticipated the execution of the order and brought Graor of Miton to detain both Capt. Macsubbin and his prisoner on their passege through. The officer, by a forced march, anticipated the execution of the order and brought Graves to Richmond. While here some action was taken by the North Carolina Legislature in referance to his case which may have operated to produce his release.