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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 5, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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John O'Lawrence (search for this): article 4
Yankees fell to arise no more. To-day the tory "mass meeting" met in Oxford Hall, in this city, to dominate a candidate for the Federal Congress. A Yankee soldier, with fixed bayonet, guarded the door, and a Yankee band discoursed Yankee Doodle and Hall Columbia inside Gen. John B. McCland, an individual known as the "tooth pick man," from his borrowing a gentleman's tooth pick at a public table, was nominated. A little tory,--a conceited little tory, a contemptible little tory,--John O'Lawrence by name, and former Mayor of this city, asked for the nomination for three hours last night; but, after the most infamous acknowledgments and devilish declarations, his tory friends rudely laid him on the shelf, Leopold Catiline Cowper was disposed of in the same manner. The next thing is to vote, and those failing to exercise this right of a freeman, will, according to Dix, he made to suffer "all the pains and penalties of disloyalty." Such is the "proclamation" of Gen. Dly, a paper n
cending, but generally haughty even to roughness to his inferiors. Ladies are occasionally ordered to leave his presence, and a favor is granted when his humble subjects behave themselves. He would be a gentleman if he knew how. Such is Brigadier-General Vicle. One Capt Asron Secley, of the 19th Wisconsin is an important individual on his staff. He is a dirty little counter-jumping despot, as cowardly as he is tyrannical, and perhaps, a little more so. The Provost Judge, Col. Sanders, of the Merchants and business men have until the 25th to repent of their sine and return to the fold of Abe Lincoln. Should they fail to avail themselves of the proffered mercy, their places of business will be closed, and the keys passed over to General Vicle. A general closing is anticipated. Many persons are anxious to get away from here, but it is impossible — no passes are granted to males, save upon taking the cath — and to leave secretly is out of the question; the pickets are too thic
John B. McCland (search for this): article 4
d account for the failure of an attempt of the Yankees to cross Block water by saying that the river rose very suddenly! Confederate gone rose much more suddenly, and its reports, from good sources, be true, many Yankees fell to arise no more. To-day the tory "mass meeting" met in Oxford Hall, in this city, to dominate a candidate for the Federal Congress. A Yankee soldier, with fixed bayonet, guarded the door, and a Yankee band discoursed Yankee Doodle and Hall Columbia inside Gen. John B. McCland, an individual known as the "tooth pick man," from his borrowing a gentleman's tooth pick at a public table, was nominated. A little tory,--a conceited little tory, a contemptible little tory,--John O'Lawrence by name, and former Mayor of this city, asked for the nomination for three hours last night; but, after the most infamous acknowledgments and devilish declarations, his tory friends rudely laid him on the shelf, Leopold Catiline Cowper was disposed of in the same manner. The n
Leopold Catiline Cowper (search for this): article 4
rsed Yankee Doodle and Hall Columbia inside Gen. John B. McCland, an individual known as the "tooth pick man," from his borrowing a gentleman's tooth pick at a public table, was nominated. A little tory,--a conceited little tory, a contemptible little tory,--John O'Lawrence by name, and former Mayor of this city, asked for the nomination for three hours last night; but, after the most infamous acknowledgments and devilish declarations, his tory friends rudely laid him on the shelf, Leopold Catiline Cowper was disposed of in the same manner. The next thing is to vote, and those failing to exercise this right of a freeman, will, according to Dix, he made to suffer "all the pains and penalties of disloyalty." Such is the "proclamation" of Gen. Dly, a paper noted for being the coolest specimen of absurd lying extant. As a general thing, to be a Yankee is to be a liar. The Administration at Washington have lied so much that its own people would be astonished were it to tell the truth,
tory,--John O'Lawrence by name, and former Mayor of this city, asked for the nomination for three hours last night; but, after the most infamous acknowledgments and devilish declarations, his tory friends rudely laid him on the shelf, Leopold Catiline Cowper was disposed of in the same manner. The next thing is to vote, and those failing to exercise this right of a freeman, will, according to Dix, he made to suffer "all the pains and penalties of disloyalty." Such is the "proclamation" of Gen. Dly, a paper noted for being the coolest specimen of absurd lying extant. As a general thing, to be a Yankee is to be a liar. The Administration at Washington have lied so much that its own people would be astonished were it to tell the truth, even through mistake; its Generals lie in obedience to orders and in "accordance with or stablished usage;" and Dix, in asserting his belief that a majority of the legal voters of this district are loyal to the United States authority, gives evidence th
Asron Secley (search for this): article 4
role over us. It is true; but we have a tyrant or tyrants, notwithstanding. In our Military Governor we have a man whose manners would indicate him to be of the "blood royal." He assumes "princely" airs; is sometimes condescending, but generally haughty even to roughness to his inferiors. Ladies are occasionally ordered to leave his presence, and a favor is granted when his humble subjects behave themselves. He would be a gentleman if he knew how. Such is Brigadier-General Vicle. One Capt Asron Secley, of the 19th Wisconsin is an important individual on his staff. He is a dirty little counter-jumping despot, as cowardly as he is tyrannical, and perhaps, a little more so. The Provost Judge, Col. Sanders, of the 19th Wisconsin, has but one feet for deciding all questions, civil or military,--"Are you loyal to the United States?" A negative answer subjects either plaintiff or defendant to the grossest injustice; deprives him of his property or sends him to a dungeon. The Provost of t
will be closed, and the keys passed over to General Vicle. A general closing is anticipated. Many persons are anxious to get away from here, but it is impossible — no passes are granted to males, save upon taking the cath — and to leave secretly is out of the question; the pickets are too thickly posted. The destruction of private property in the suburbs goes on briskly; it is a feast to negroes and toiles. December 18th.--The World in tremendous on the Administration and Gen. Helleck to day, and thinks that the army will never be at near Richmond as when under McClellan. The Herald is also very severe. The Federal loss is now estimated at 20,000; the World says 20,000 cripples have been made. More troops arrived to day, and will go forth with to Suffolk. They are being constantly sent forward, and a heavy force must be concentrating near Black water. The weather to-day is excessively cold, and the poor are suffering greatly. Relief there is none. S
United States (United States) (search for this): article 4
shed were it to tell the truth, even through mistake; its Generals lie in obedience to orders and in "accordance with or stablished usage;" and Dix, in asserting his belief that a majority of the legal voters of this district are loyal to the United States authority, gives evidence that he is not behind the best of them in deliberate, premeditated, unblushing falsifying N a majority are loyal, why threaten, a minority with "pains and penalties" for not voting? The indignation of the peopleirty little counter-jumping despot, as cowardly as he is tyrannical, and perhaps, a little more so. The Provost Judge, Col. Sanders, of the 19th Wisconsin, has but one feet for deciding all questions, civil or military,--"Are you loyal to the United States?" A negative answer subjects either plaintiff or defendant to the grossest injustice; deprives him of his property or sends him to a dungeon. The Provost of this city is a negroid, and the emancipation proclamation is now — and has been — in
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 4
will be closed, and the keys passed over to General Vicle. A general closing is anticipated. Many persons are anxious to get away from here, but it is impossible — no passes are granted to males, save upon taking the cath — and to leave secretly is out of the question; the pickets are too thickly posted. The destruction of private property in the suburbs goes on briskly; it is a feast to negroes and toiles. December 18th.--The World in tremendous on the Administration and Gen. Helleck to day, and thinks that the army will never be at near Richmond as when under McClellan. The Herald is also very severe. The Federal loss is now estimated at 20,000; the World says 20,000 cripples have been made. More troops arrived to day, and will go forth with to Suffolk. They are being constantly sent forward, and a heavy force must be concentrating near Black water. The weather to-day is excessively cold, and the poor are suffering greatly. Relief there is none. S
January 1st (search for this): article 5
Something about the first Virginia--a New Year's dinner. Camp of the 1st Va. Regiment,Near Culnea Station, Jan. 2d, 1863. The advent of a new years brings pleasant memories of "home, sweet home," to the soldier, as he sits by his camp fire, watching the smoke as, sending in fantastic wreathes, and thinking of the scenes the mind's eye through the vista of two years departed time, we deeply feel that the shrine of liberty is one upon which costly sacrifices must be laid. New Year's day came upon us bright and beautiful, and in the temple of nature admit its stately columns of peace, we inwardly, felt a due sense of gratitude for its propitiosurprise of nearly the regiment a long table was seen capable of accommodating the entire number present and loaded with most excellent condition — in a word a New Year's dinner to the 1st Virginia regiment by some of the ladies of Richmond the most active and prominent among whom were those who then honored to with their most we
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