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McCook 18 4 Browse Search
United States (United States) 14 0 Browse Search
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) 12 0 Browse Search
Crittenden 10 0 Browse Search
Lincoln 9 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1863., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
f the Union of these States. The resolutions were greeted with cheers, and it was asked that they be passed upon immediately. The President, therefore, put the question, and they were carried unanimously. Important expedition from Fortress. Monroe. A dispatch from Fortress Monroe, dated the 1st says there have been stirring times there among the troops and war vessels. Gen. Nagle's division has left York town and Gloucester Point, and is now lying in ships in Hampton Roads. The Fortress Monroe, dated the 1st says there have been stirring times there among the troops and war vessels. Gen. Nagle's division has left York town and Gloucester Point, and is now lying in ships in Hampton Roads. The dispatch says: Many other transports loaded with troops, stores, etc., arrived, and joined the expedition. The fleet is now putting to sea and comprises about enough men, or all arms, to take and hold any point on the Southern coast. The destination of this expedition is supposed to be North Carolina; but as a number of iron clads accompany it, I presume it will go to some important Southern port — say Charleston, Georgetown, Savannah. or Mobile. At any rate, it will soon be at it
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 6
h her State Government, be respectfully requested to interpose in order to arrest the existing civil war. 1. By inviting the non-slaveholding States and the loyal slaveholding States--Delaware, Maryland. Kentucky, and Missouri--to meet in Convention in Louisville, Ky., on the --day of February next. 2. By requesting the permission of the President of the United States to send Commissioners to Virginia. North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Tennessee, to invite them also to meet in like National Convention. And 3. He is further Resolved, That the President be requested by the State Government of New Jersey, to declare an armistice with or for such State or States as may accept this call for a National Convention. Resolved, That a committee be created on the part of this Association to present these resolutions to the Governor and Legislature of New Jersey and to urge upon that State that, in consideratio
France (France) (search for this): article 6
the hour to bring up the people--one once common people. both North and South, to the study of this subject Our Constitution is necessary for our common liberty. Our common form of Government is not only necessary for our common liberty, but necessary to preserve us from European intervention and European arms, 'Divide and conquer' is the principle of monarchies against republics everywhere. Divide and conquer is the principle which now actuates the British Kingdom, if not the Emperor of France, Divide the North and South, and then, if possible, conquer both when both are exhausted. Unity and universality of Government is, therefore, a necessity for us both North and South, and the quicker and deeper and wider this principle is comprehended universality, the quicker we shall all lay down our arms and stop this horrible effusion of human blood. [Applause,]. Gentlemen, I love to speak for practical purposes, and hence I have prepared two or three resolutions to present for your con
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): article 6
the Constitution of our common country — that is the State, the glorious State of New Jersey [Cheers] I process, therefore, the following resolutions, to be submitte, for action, and, if you approve them, for presentation to the Government of New Jersey: and let me remark here that the Government of New Jersey is a homogeneous GoNew Jersey is a homogeneous Government; the three branches are all of one faith and one opinion, and it is not so in any other Northern State of the Union." We anne's the resolutions: Resolved, That the State of New Jersey, through her State Government, be respectfully requested to interpose in order to arrest the existing civil war. 1. By further Resolved, That the President be requested by the State Government of New Jersey, to declare an armistice with or for such State or States as may accept this s Association to present these resolutions to the Governor and Legislature of New Jersey and to urge upon that State that, in consideration of her revolutionary histo
Lavergne (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 6
y skirmished and threw a few shells one of which killed Orderly McDonald, 4th United States Cavalry, not the feet from Gen. Rosecrans. That afternoon the Anderson Pennsylvania Cavalry, on McCook's flanks, was drawn into an ambuscade and its two Majors Rodegarten and War, were killed. Crittenden's corps lost 4 killed and 21 wounded that day, including Adjutant Elliott, of the 57th Indians, severely. McCook's loss was about 50. On the same day the rebel cavalry made a dash in the rear, on Lavergne, burned a few wagons, and captured thirty five prisoners. That night dispositions were made to attack the enemy in the morning. After dark the enemy was reported massing near McCook, obviously to turn our right wing. This correspondence with the wishes of Gen. Rosecrans, who instructed Gen. McCook to hold him in check stubbornly, while the left wing should be thrown into Murfreesboro's behind the enemy. At daybreak, on the last day of December, everything appeared working well.
United States (United States) (search for this): article 6
on, were passed, has been noticed. We give a further account of the proceedings. The idea of any "Convention," save one to settle boundaries — between the Confederate States and the United States--will excite a smile of incredulity throughout the South. After a few congratulatory remarks by the President the Hon. James BroUnited States--will excite a smile of incredulity throughout the South. After a few congratulatory remarks by the President the Hon. James Brooks has introduced, and addressed the meeting at some length. In conclusion he said. "Gentlemen It is quite time to begin the discussion of these matters here and elsewhere--South as well as North; now is the day and now is the hour to bring up the people--one once common people. both North and South, to the study of this sud. Kentucky, and Missouri--to meet in Convention in Louisville, Ky., on the --day of February next. 2. By requesting the permission of the President of the United States to send Commissioners to Virginia. North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Tennessee, to invite them
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 6
resolutions: Resolved, That the State of New Jersey, through her State Government, be respectfully requested to interpose in order to arrest the existing civil war. 1. By inviting the non-slaveholding States and the loyal slaveholding States--Delaware, Maryland. Kentucky, and Missouri--to meet in Convention in Louisville, Ky., on the --day of February next. 2. By requesting the permission of the President of the United States to send Commissioners to Virginia. North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Tennessee, to invite them also to meet in like National Convention. And 3. He is further Resolved, That the President be requested by the State Government of New Jersey, to declare an armistice with or for such State or States as may accept this call for a National Convention. Resolved, That a committee be created on the part of this Association to present these resolutions to the Governor and Legislature
Gloucester Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
thus to lead in a National Convention for the restoration of the Union of these States. The resolutions were greeted with cheers, and it was asked that they be passed upon immediately. The President, therefore, put the question, and they were carried unanimously. Important expedition from Fortress. Monroe. A dispatch from Fortress Monroe, dated the 1st says there have been stirring times there among the troops and war vessels. Gen. Nagle's division has left York town and Gloucester Point, and is now lying in ships in Hampton Roads. The dispatch says: Many other transports loaded with troops, stores, etc., arrived, and joined the expedition. The fleet is now putting to sea and comprises about enough men, or all arms, to take and hold any point on the Southern coast. The destination of this expedition is supposed to be North Carolina; but as a number of iron clads accompany it, I presume it will go to some important Southern port — say Charleston, Georgetown,
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 6
here that the Government of New Jersey is a homogeneous Government; the three branches are all of one faith and one opinion, and it is not so in any other Northern State of the Union." We anne's the resolutions: Resolved, That the State of New Jersey, through her State Government, be respectfully requested to interpose in order to arrest the existing civil war. 1. By inviting the non-slaveholding States and the loyal slaveholding States--Delaware, Maryland. Kentucky, and Missouri--to meet in Convention in Louisville, Ky., on the --day of February next. 2. By requesting the permission of the President of the United States to send Commissioners to Virginia. North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Tennessee, to invite them also to meet in like National Convention. And 3. He is further Resolved, That the President be requested by the State Government of New Jersey, to declare an armistice with or for su
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 6
lved, That the State of New Jersey, through her State Government, be respectfully requested to interpose in order to arrest the existing civil war. 1. By inviting the non-slaveholding States and the loyal slaveholding States--Delaware, Maryland. Kentucky, and Missouri--to meet in Convention in Louisville, Ky., on the --day of February next. 2. By requesting the permission of the President of the United States to send Commissioners to Virginia. North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Tennessee, to invite them also to meet in like National Convention. And 3. He is further Resolved, That the President be requested by the State Government of New Jersey, to declare an armistice with or for such State or States as may accept this call for a National Convention. Resolved, That a committee be created on the part of this Association to present these resolutions to the Governor and Legislature of New Jersey and to
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