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companies at any time to sink any portion of the stock by reducing the number of shares; by Mr. Neeson, of I quiring what legislation may be necessary for the trial of crimes committed within counties occupied by the public enemy. The unfinished business of yesterday being the election of a Senator, Mr. Armstrong, of Hampshire, supported the claims of Mr. Rives to the office. Mr. Nash succeeded, advocating the claims of Mr. Floyd. Mr. Quesenbury, of Caroline advocated the claims of Judge Alien, and was followed on the same side by Mr. Wiley, of Craig. Mr. Collier favored the claims of Floyd, and was followed by Mr. Pate, of Boone, on the same side. House of Delegates.--The House met at 10 o'clock A. M., and was opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Duncan. Mr. Chambliss, from the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, presented a bill relative to authorizing town councils and county courts to condemn and impress houses and lots for hospital purposes, when they cannot agr