Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Fernando Wood or search for Fernando Wood in all documents.

Your search returned 9 results in 2 document sections:

The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1863., [Electronic resource], The cavalry engagement on the Upper Rappahannock. (search)
er and bolder in their denunciations of the Conscription bill. Fernando Wood, who has been keeping quiet of late, turned up at Stamford, Con. It is hardly wise, or safe, or prudent, now, to say that Fernando Wood is a bad man — a man without any moral character, &c. Doubtlessin a very vulnerable spot. Propositions for an armistice — Fernando Wood. Under this heading the Herald publishes the following: hese propositions for an armistice or peace, the adoption of which Mr. Wood pretends to believe would have settled the matter by all fool's day. If so, how does Mr. Wood know anything about them? Has he been in secret correspondence with the enemy? Or were they made by some of the orized them; and what are the terms of the propositions from which Mr. Wood hopes so much? If they are honorable to the nation, if they are sI will cheerfully gratify your curiosity. Very respectfully, Fernando Wood. March 11, 1863. Secession music and pictures in Baltimo
The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1863., [Electronic resource], The cavalry engagement on the Upper Rappahannock. (search)
t Church, King and Queen Middlesex, 46.50, Exl Baptist Church, King, and Queen, 16; friends to the cause, Exel 34.75; friends in Helton and Montgomery, Ala, per Rev Andrew Broaddus, 1.452.90; Mrs Dr Fountaine Hanover, Per Prof Dobusy, 2; Capt J. P Wood, Accomac co 21; Leigh Street Baptist Church, per Mr Turps, 16; Moses B Lloyd and lady, Pulaski co, Va 30; Rev H. G Crown, per brother Wooton, 39, Rev H G Hatcher, Bedford co, 5; Elder Wm Hanklus, per J E Wood, 25; Mis Mary D Mansfield, Louisa co, G Hatcher, Bedford co, 5; Elder Wm Hanklus, per J E Wood, 25; Mis Mary D Mansfield, Louisa co, 4; L H N, 5; Hay A F Scott, Gloucester co, 16, Rev J R Martin, Keogville, Tenn, 5; Rev W M Vordry, Chaplain 59th Georgia, 10; L B Conway, Pittsylvania C. H, 920, Rev G G Excell, Henrico co, 20; Miss Lissie Lewis, Albemarle co, 5; Quondam, 40; Miss Waller, Spotsylvania co, 15; friends in Georgia, 1.000; sundry friends to the cause, 2.500. Total, $6.101,13.. A. E. Dickinson, [t] Superintendent, &