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Jno W Slaughter, co K, 33d Ind; 2d Lieut James Sampson, co A, 33d do; 2d Lieut C E Buel, co C, 22d Wis; 2d Lieut H R Ingraham, co A, 85th Ind; 2d Lieut J B Mye, co B, 22d Wis; 2d Lieut. W S Herbert, co C, 85th Ind; 2d Lieut Jno Gunn, co E, 85th Ind; 2d Lieut Ro Clark, co B, 85th Ind; 2d Lieut C W Finney, co H, 85th Ind; 2d Lieut V S Newmant, co K, 22d Wis. This list comprises 4 Colonels, 2 Lieutenant Colonels, 3 Majors 21 Captains, 24 First Lieutenants, and 29 Second Lieutenants; total 73.
The officers and men were captured by Gen. Van-Dern, at Thompson's Station, Tennessee, on the 5th of March.
The following were received on Saturday, from Hunter's Station, Va., where they were captured on the 17th inst., viz: Capt Ro Schofield, co F, 1st Vt cav; 1st Lieut. Wm Walls, do; 2d Lieut P C T Cheekey, do; 2d Lieut A G Watson, do; and Jacob Bigger, private, co I, U S cavalry, captured at Kelley's , March 18.
The total number of Federal officers in Richmond at the present time is 180.