Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 23, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Shepley or search for Shepley in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: March 23, 1863., [Electronic resource], The last Chapter of Butler's rule in New Orleans. (search)
he house of Mr. Surget, on Rampart street, has been the headquarters of Brigadier-General Arnold, who, while laboring under a surfeit of Mr. Surget's wines, had the city cars passing in front, to travel at a snail's pace, that all might know that his highness was calling. The paintings and furniture have all been sent away, and the cellar emptied. 's horse, close by, is the barracks of the 12th Maine. Mr. J. P. Harrison's is now inhabited by Banks and his family, and Sheppard Brown's by Gov. Shepley. A beautiful house on Prytenia street, above Jackson street was taken by some officers of the line, who, on being called to the field, left their paramours in possession, and the house is now a common brothel.--George Eustia's, Judge East's and scores of other private dwellings, have undergone the same pollution. Butler seized the house of Dr. Campbell for his family, appropriated the sumptuous Furniture and plate, and had a lieutenant and two privates sent to Fort Jackson with ball an